Jun 12, 2010

What Animals Make The Best Pets?

As a pet lover, I often wonder what type of pet are the friendliest, and which ones show the most affection, and so on. I guess every one has their personal preference, but from what I have seen, it is a pretty simple question to answer, when some asks what animals make the best pets.

Basically the most traditional pets are usually the best, with maybe a couple of exceptions. So first of all, we have cats. Personally cats are my favorite animal. This is because they are generally VERY affection, and very easy to get along with. You can easily tell when they like you because they purr, and they also show a lot of affection to the people that they like.

When it comes to cats, the most important thing to remember is that a cat will act based on how it was raised. So if you show your cat a lot of affection from the time it is a kitten, it will in return show YOU a lot of affection. And if you pick your cat up a lot from the time it is young, it will be much more likely to let you hold it (without trying to get away) when it gets older.

So what about dogs? Well, there is a reason why they are called "mans best friend". It is because they are known to be extremely loyal, and much like cats, they love affection, and love to give affection as well. Again, just like with cats, how you raise your dog will be the biggest factor in how it acts. Also, dogs tend to enjoy affection even more than cats, but rather than purring, they tend to wag their tail when they are happy.

But what about the less traditional pets? There are a few that come to mind, at least when it comes to highly affectionate pets. Believe it or not, Parrots make for great pets, and are very friendly as well. More specifically Cockatoos, to be exact. Not only are these birds neat because they can "talk", they are actually very friendly (and loyal) as well. I have seen many cockatoos, and they LOVE to be held, pet, and played with. And they are amazingly gentle as well, despite their large, razor sharp beak!

While there are plenty of friendly pets out there that make for great companions, the 3 mentioned above have certainly proved to be some of the most friendly and loyal animals out there, at least when it comes to pets!