Jun 5, 2010

Guide for Finding & Hiring a Dog Walker

If you work more than six hours per day and own a dog, you need a dog walker!

Urban life can be difficult for dogs. Many of us keep the animals in small apartments and work long hours in the city, resulting in life is to make a dog is from a rural or suburban dog who usually has a yard for walking during the day - or if you really lucky, acres of open ground, where the fun.

However, there is no reason why a city dog can not enjoy a fantastic quality of life. city living has its drawbacks, but there are high levels of stimulation - sights, sounds and smells - the dogs in the suburbs or rural areas do not occur. dogs in the city are so fortunate to have many more social opportunities, both with other dogs in the street with a bunch of his friends in the local dog park or walking the dog.

But many homeowners work long hours and enjoy an active social life, which means long periods of time when their pets are welcome. For a dog, which means hours of downtime - especially in a small apartment or a studio that has little room to play or run.

For this reason, most urban dog owners hire a dog walker. Having someone to take your dog for exercise and relief, at least once a day makes a difference. These hours of solitude, long and gives your dog the opportunity to make out, stretch your legs and burn calories that I ate for breakfast. For many dogs, your dog walker during the day his friend during the day.

But with the profession to walk the dog most popular, an increasing number of movement of dogs to choose from in the city. dog walking services and pet sitting are popping up everywhere and most dog owners are the cities to choose from. However, all the dogs walking services are not the same thing - there are differences in quality and type of services. Here are some tips for choosing a dog walker for you:
  •     Make sure you know exactly what you like before you start your search
It is important to understand the type of service desired. A dog walks set is likely to provide peace of mind and greater security, but are too large will find its services are a bit 'too impersonal - a certain guarantee of the Walker every day the same but some do not. If you want the walker and your dog to build a relationship of friendship and trust is worth his request. A good dog walking service assigns a dog walker for your dog regularly and inform you of any changes in personnel in advance. The disadvantage is that they can be less flexible in programming. On the other hand, a local independent dog walker, working alone is almost certain to build a relationship with your dog and is likely to build a friendly relationship with themselves, which brings the familiarity and peace of mind. The disadvantage is that only hikers rarely anyone to make a backup if they get sick or vacationing.
  •     Establish an ideal program, so be ready to compromise
Let's face it, the vast majority of dog owners prefer their dogs to walk towards the middle of the day, which usually means 11:00 to 15:00 in dog walking business. This means that the time intervals in the south are in high demand and are unlikely to find someone who can promise the ideal schedule. Be willing to commit to a margin of about an hour either side of his ideal. Moreover, even when you're sitting at a moment should be aware that the dog walking is a profession of the nature of which means that it is almost impossible to stick to a schedule with 100% accuracy every day. Hikers must often travel between dogs and can be filled with a million and one different situations. Do not be too disappointed if your dog Walker was a bit 'late or early every day - in most cases can not be avoided. Beware of dog walking service that promises punctuality retail - most often are not honest with you!
  •     Walk dogs in packages or individually?
It is here that the opinion is strongly divided in half! Commonly seen in urban centers like New York to see hikers pack with up to twelve dogs at a time - but is that really what you want for your dog? The advantage of these services is primarily the price - Pack walk sometimes half the price rates of the individual, group or short walks and take longer. On the negative side, your dog is not going anywhere near the same level of attention it would in a small group or alone - and often much of the walk is spent sitting, glued to large groups of dog has a curb Walker dog in his apartment on the ground floor. There is no doubt that there is a strong social dimension to walking the dog, enjoy, but for the most part, most dog owners prefer their dogs to walk in small packages or individual. Many people also worry about fighting dogs in large containers and all that is rare, it happens sometimes. A person on foot, private, providing the utmost attention to the hikers, but also considering that most dogs have some form of socialization - then consider choosing a service that works in pairs or small groups not more than three. Many say the movement of dogs that dogs have behavioral problems, "the streets with their owners will benefit greatly from working with another dog, whose presence tends to act" center ", the other dog and cause good level of concentration and attention. But no there is no way to Avoid the fact that some dogs just do not respect the company of other dogs, no matter what! At the end of the day, you know your dog better for anyone and the decision is yours Entirely.
  •     Conducting interviews in person
Choosing a dog walker is an important decision, especially since he entrusts the welfare of your precious pet to a stranger, but also because the service is to facilitate access to one of his apartments on a daily basis. For this reason, you should always take into consideration a range of services to insist on the first meeting of the owner of the company, so if you decide to go ahead and use the service, Walker, who will be assigned to your dog. Good service, which will meet walkers at no cost to you. Never be pressure to accept a timetable on the phone - you will feel much better when you know who you're dealing with people. All good dog walking services understand that you are looking around and buying a service and is happy to present their pitch to compete with others. Do not be surprised or offended if the employer does not give details of the walker, though - trying not to put one over on you. And 'common practice in the company to insist that communications client load (schedule changes, updates, etc.) through their companies. This ensures that the owner must "loop" and is always aware of what is happening. If you have contact information for hikers, however, is always good to inform the owner of any communication between you avoid any misunderstanding or confusion later.
  •     Have questions prepared in advance
Before performing any maintenance, make sure that whatever you request in writing and prepared in advance. Ask all the questions that need to feel comfortable. Do not be afraid to bomb an entrepreneur or a walker to questions about the nature of its service, its philosophy, practices, policies and history. A good service dog walk raises some questions about what you want, your taste - and especially your dog. Be sure to ask the nature of dogs and health problems that may be useful. If taking notes is a good thing! A good dog walking services to maintain information about your dog in the file, including medical history, favorite candy, the words of command, things to check, etc. If the information veterinary does not seem interested in any of this information is then probably a good idea to choose another service. Make sure everything is in the opening price and the higher cost. Make sure you both on the same page on the speed and frequency of payment of any dog or hidden fees (number of service operations Have an extra morning, evening and weekend work), about their range availability (covering the evening or late week?) and cancellation policy (for the most in demand services that give 24 hours to avoid being charged). The last thing I want is to ruin a good relationship with a dog walking service because of a misunderstanding unreliable then what should have been allowed to start.
  •     Insist on seeing the visitor on a walking test
It 'very important that your dog Walker met with the dog in advance - and see them in action with your dog will give you peace of mind. Not all the movement of dogs are the same! Some people have a natural affinity with animals and you can see this on the observation of the dog walker and the dog together. Dogs usually have a lot of proof when it comes to men and if Walker loves dogs, we see how the dog reacts to them. To see them walk the streets together is important and you should check to see if they have the necessary knowledge and control firmly hold the belt. If Walker leaves handles gently with three fingers and allows your dog back, gives them a stranger! The safety and welfare of your dog is first and foremost. It 's also a good idea to see how to handle situations with other dogs in the street - a hiker will ask the other owner if the dog is friendly, and allow the dog to approach with caution if you want to smell each other. Also, be sure to take your dog and not allow them to deal with inappropriate things like automobiles, ports and road - and especially lessons that can perform live!
  •     Dog determine acceptable ways beginning
It is important that you let Walker know exactly where they are and are not acceptable for your dog to do. If a dog or a park pass, Walker know if you are happy with them, take your dog on the day. Many owners prefer their dogs are taken to a race that can play with other dogs, but only you know if your dog is suitable for this type of socialization. Some hikers like to have a lot of dogs in the race and spend hours watching them play the next session - if you prefer a more disciplined kind of way on foot, then the state beginning.
  •     Ask for references and make sure they are insured and related
Every dog walking service can provide references - other owners who have used their services regularly and are happy. Get references and call them! You'll feel much better in the long run. It 's a good idea even if they are insured and bonded and so if that allows you to check the certificates of insurance. Your insurance must cover medical expenses if something happened to your dog in your care, but liability costs should not hurt anyone with their dog on the street or causing an accident. the movement of dogs rarely have to use their insurance, but you will feel much better knowing it's there. The fact that the time to be insured is a positive sign that is serious business and are in it for the time!
  •     If you're worried about someone giving access to his apartment, creating a webcam!  
This is a contentious issue with many dog walking services, but more and more service providers begin to accept that homeowners feel secure with a small webcam s created to ensure that nothing happens wrong, while at work. It 'also great to see what your dog gets up during the day! If you configure a device and the decency to inform the walker. Tell them you have the camera so you can watch the dog while you're at work and try not to stress the part about checking on them! Most dog walkers will be fine with that and if not - perhaps it is time to try someone new.

  •     Relax!
None is easy to choose a dog walker. It 'very common for owners to worry about the first half to death during the first few weeks wondering if your dog is well and everything is fine. However, if you followed the above procedure and taking the time to elect a traveler who is happy with, you will find that your worries will disappear after a few weeks and you can get the company to start his day, and your dog is laying good hands. Do your best to build a friendly relationship with your dog walking service - you will feel much better in the long run. Remember - if you love dogs, this is bound to create an attachment to your dog that competes with yours. This applies also believe that if you ever want to end a relationship for a long time - make sure visitors the chance to say goodbye to your dog and do not be surprised if they ask for pictures and pay even a few tears in Their last walk together!

So where to start? There are many ways to find a dog walker:

    * Check online through a search engine
    * Available online through classified as "craigslist"
    * Check with pet stores and veterinary services for business cards of local services
    * The boards in pet shops
    * Ask other dog owners, or stop walking in the street
    * Ask your local dog run or dog park
    * Ask the concierge buildings in the district known hikers and service names

In general, the search for a walker for your beloved dog is not something to take lightly - but should not be something you stress over too much. At the end of the day, remember that whatever your opinion on the walker, the most important opinion is your dog! A good dog walking service to let your dog exercise, especially something safe and happy and relieved - to be able to judge for yourself when you walk through the door.