Jun 19, 2010

Teach Your Dog to Stop Barking

A barking dog is often not just as a quiet dog. This applies to the dog owner and their neighbors. Many dogs are abandoned by their owners each year because of the barking. This should not be. Excessive barking is a problem that can be solved if they are compatible with the care and training of dogs. In this article I will explain why dogs bark and give some tips on how to stop your dog barking too much, since the teacher allowed to bark.

Of course, dogs barking - Why?
There are several reasons why a dog barks. Some ... dogs barking boredom barking as a warning, because the loneliness, fear, communication, drawing attention to them can be fun, etc. Some breeds tend to bark a bit 'more ... These are the breeds of cattle. For example, a Shetland Shepherd is a breed subject to bark. They use barking as a tool in their job of playing instinctively. Shelties dogs can be very noisy as well.

How to control a barking dog
The best way to control a barking dog is not barking can become a habit. Once the puppy or dog becomes a member of your family, you should begin to teach which behaviors are good and bad, acceptable and unacceptable. Use a command like "no bark" or "stop" if your dog barks. Once you stop or calm, thanks to your dog. To give orders in a firm voice, but avoid shouting. Crying may seem like a dog barking and worse as the dog thinks it is assumed that the crust too! Teach your dog loves when it's calm and not barking. While crying may not sound like a barking dog and even more to the left and the crust!

Appreciation for your dog does not bark
The best train dogs with positive reinforcement. Let your dog know when you're happy with how it behaves. Once the dog stops barking, you must strengthen the cessation of treatment barking and praise. No puppy is born knowing commands. You must teach your dog that each command has an action and if this action takes place, good things follow. positive reinforcement is the best technical training! No praise unwanted behaviors that you do not want to error. Pulling and stroking the bark of a dog can give the impression that a dog you like what you do and will continue.

You may want your dog to warn people at the door
To achieve this goal without your dog thinks he can bark the whole time, to create training scenarios. Is there someone or knock on the door and knocked. Call your dog to come see you and follow the leads. Excited, "Who?" "To see!" Or any other word you choose to use as reference. Acclimate your dog to bark at. Go to the door, ask your dog to sit, then stop barking. Praise and treat when your dog stops barking. Know that when it comes to the door and control the situation, it should stop barking and should be easy. You have to be consistent and positive. practice this situation several short sessions a day and your dog will eventually learn what you want.

My dog barks a lot
Sometimes you can get a dog that is already mature, so that you do not have the benefit of training as a puppy when it is easier to create good habits and eliminate bad. If you're in this situation, you can try different things. First, determine why the dog barks: alone, trying to warn you of something, is that fear, boredom, aggression, etc to know the reason of Barking is an important part of finding a solution.

If your dog is something to remember, which teaches that once a situation and she said that all goes well, your dog should stop barking. My dogs have learned things that I want to be careful to property or could constitute a threat. When I checked and said everything went well, my dog did not need me more careful.

A dog is bored or lonely needs to be active
Toys, games, training, interaction, a long way with the help of a dog is bored or lonely. A tired dog is usually a dog's behavior better. In general, a better mood when they are active. Boredom and loneliness can lead to other unwanted behaviors as well. Take a range of toys such as Kong, safe chew toys, Nylabone, etc., which will boost the spirit of your dog and give him something to do. obedience training, walking or playing in search of help.
unhealthy behaviors such as barking, often occur in dogs that are outside all day alone. The reason is that nobody is to teach appropriate behavior. If no one shows your dog what can and can not do, the problem persists.
Play bark

If your dog is barking during play, the type of game to calm down. Get your dog in a relaxed atmosphere and activity, and then start playing again. Play always kept under control ... be the leader in the field and include activities in training room.

Some pathological and barking dogs can be helped to leave their bad habits, without using the help of an expert in behavior. Sometimes you just need a coach to see your dog can help give ideas on how to teach your dog to bark. Sometimes a "new pair of eyes can see things that you can not, because it is constantly working with the dog and you can not see the problems clearly.

Training Collars
Many people want a quick and easy way to resolve the negative behaviors that your dog is barking and you can use different types of collars that can help stop barking. If a training aid is not used properly, can frustrate the dog and maybe make a bad situation. "No bark collar discouraged by a barking shock, noise, or spray with a scent dogs do not. Some dogs learn to ignore the remedies in this series. Others may develop nervous behaviors due to constant repression.

The best way to stop barking is not allowed your dog to develop in the first place.

Here are some things you can do:

1) Use positive training methods to encourage the dog to remain calm when he said

2) To teach a command for the dog you want him to be quiet "no bark" or "fair."

3) Keep the dog inside when you're home. Dogs Left Outside Alone every day are more likely to become nuisance barking.

4) Obedience Training for you and your dog.

5) A lot of exercise, proper attention, your dog, mental and physical stimulation. A dog that gets what she is mentally and physically less likely to become an issue Barker.

6) Teach your dog when he is allowed to bark.

7) Do not let your dog bark for hours before deciding to tell him to stop. The dog may always be ready to leave anyway, and is attracting the attention of you, which increases the probability of barking when she does for attention. Always turn off the bark when it first starts.

8) Do not inadvertently teach the dog that barks constantly, is good for the company, or talk positively barking.

9) Teach your dog from day one what will and will not be permitted. Remember that some breeds are more prone to barking than others, but every dog can be a chatterbox too.

10) Try to find the cause of barking - as the neighborhood kids teased the dog.

Dogs are allowed to become barkers disorder can disturb the neighbors, could eventually be a bad situation for everyone. Can be fined for violating his community noise standards or even have a near upset to take the law into their hands! Do not let your dog become a nuisance.

For a more in-depth training procedure, and many useful information on dog behavior problems and more effective training techniques, check out The Ultimate Guide to training. This is the complete dog-house-training guide. Training Tips for New Puppy/dog, Read More...

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