Jun 29, 2010

Natural Way To Train Your Dog to Sit, Lie Down, Come and Stay

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### Basic training for your dog ###

Like a dog can be exciting and rewarding. It can also be stressful. If you go to a puppy or adult dog, you can bet that there will be an adjustment period, all while you get used to each other. One of the best ways to make this transition successfully is important to start training with his new pet right away. Puppy training can begin the youngest of eight weeks and older dogs as soon as possible! Having a well-trained dog can lead to much happiness for you and your pet. Some tips to teach your dog to come, sit, lie down and stay.

First, look at the fundamentals of basic training. All dogs, especially puppies, learn quickly with positive reinforcement rather than negative. As with humans, a little 'love goes a long way. The best reinforcement for good performance are verbal praise, affection, a favorite toy or a piece or two of natural foods for your dog. The use of traffic can be challenging, but a dog can expect from treatment if used too often, and its use can become expensive. If you work in training just before the normal meal time for your dog, the dog usually hungry and pieces of food as rewards will be welcome. The prize should be administered immediately after each correct answer at first. Once the dog has progressed, the verbal praise should be offered every time, but one should be granted only for specific responses made in a timely manner. progressive reduction in the number of prizes to be awarded only occasionally, but eventually all praise report. The dogs keep their training for the longest period of time that way. You must also use hand signals and verbal instructions if you give your dog a command. Again, like dogs, humans learn best when presented with more than one stimulus. For example, tell your dog to sit, while pointing to the ground. When the dog sits, provides an immediate reward in the form of food or affection, along with verbal praise. These techniques are applied to each of the following commands.

Teach your dog to come can be very easy. We recommend using a piece of food for this lesson. Hold a piece of food between your thumb and index finger to his dog. Call your dog's name while holding the food. As the dog begins to approach, saying: "come" and move your hand toward your chest. When the dog reaches obtain food and rent. Immediately after the step back and repeat the process with another piece of food. It 's so simple!

Teach your dog to sit is a valuable lesson. Want to get started with the dog standing. To use a food reward, take a piece of food directly to the dog's nose. Say the name of the dog and slowly move the piece of food on the dog's head. As the dog's nose a drop ass. As it happens, such as "sit". Do not move the food too high in the dog or the dog can go and see. When the dog sits, reward him with food and verbal praise. If you want to use only verbal praise and affection, always start with the dog standing. Put your hand gently under the chin of the dog. Say the name of the dog and gently lift the chin of the dog. Again, like the dog's chin up, your back will go down. With your other hand to move the palm toward the ground and say "sit". When the dog feels the reward of praise and affection. Little by little, Your dog needs to learn to sit with hand movement and a voice signal only.

Teaching a dog to sleep takes a little 'practice. This works best if your dog is on a smooth surface like tile or linoleum. This technique works best if you use a piece of food as a reward. Start with the dog in a sitting position. Hold a piece of food directly in front of the nose. Say the name of your dog and quickly move the piece of food on the floor next to the dog's forelegs. How to get the dog food, say "down". Be sure to move the food through the legs of the dog, because if the food is far from the dog got up to go to lunch. With a little 'practice, your dog must learn to sleep with a simple verbal command and reduced job.

Finally focus on teaching your dog to stay. This technique is more difficult to form the basis for training a dog. Most dogs enjoy being with people and find it difficult to stay in one place too long. It 'best practice this command in a time when your dog is very quiet, or just spend a lot of exercise. And 'even better to teach this art after your dog has learned to sit. To start, tell your dog to sit alone with a verbal command and hand signals. Once the dog is sitting, leaning toward the dog and his gaze. Raise your palms towards your dog with a firm voice and say "stay." For the first time that this practice, wait a minute before returning to your dog, praising and giving a reward in a sitting position. Practice several times. If you try to leave your dog when you're the first to teach him to stay, that will rise up and follow you. It 'better to teach him to stay when you are just a few meters away. Once your dog will be kept for at least 10 seconds, with little steps can start working in the distance. It 'important that you maintain eye contact with the dog for the duration of time of residence. If you do, leaning toward him and repeat "stay" in a firm voice. This command takes some time to teach but it's worth it to end.

Training your dog can make the transition to a new pet more enjoyable for everyone. A large number of dog training is to use common sense. The days when your dog is agitated or training, does not seem to go well, take a break and try again tomorrow. Dogs have a couple of days. Remember to be consistent and firm but not angry. You should try to train the dog for a quiet moment of the day in a quiet place to reduce distraction. Do not give the command once. You want your dog learns to obey a single command, use not many. Remember to praise as verbal reinforcement of good behavior. Above all, enjoy this moment with his dog and again remember that every new addition to the family needs time to adjust.

Thanks to the American Animal Hospital and Dr. L. Wayne Hunthausen and Dr. Gary M. Landsberg their contributions.

Easy Techniques for Training Dogs,