Jun 8, 2010

Tips to Protect Your Pets from Summer Heat

The summer season can be a difficult to tolerate, especially for pets. Pets are less equipped than humans to control the extreme summer temperatures. Follow these tips to help your pet stay safe, healthy and comfortable for a heat stroke.

<1> Pets are a high risk of heatstroke. Keep fresh water available at all times. Animals moisture and sun will significantly reduce the risk of heatstroke.

<2> Avoiding hot surfaces such as asphalt and concrete, when you walk with your dog. Pads on the bottom of the feet of a dog can burn on contact with hot surfaces. It 's very painful for dogs and can be avoided by walking your pet on the grass. The grass is much cooler and more comfortable.

<3> Pets can also suffer from internal heat. Confine animals cool by air conditioning or fan base throughout the day. Curtains and blinds to reduce direct sunlight.

<4> NEVER leave pets unattended in the car! The temperature inside the vehicle can reach lethal temperatures, even in temperate climate. Open the car is not enough. Make better decisions, leaving your pet at home.