Jun 25, 2010

8 Ways to Reduce on Dog's Behavior Problems

You three most important tasks for a dog owner: deciding whether it was appropriate for a dog, that dog is best for you given your best friend and taught good manners. This is about it, right? Wrong!

You have an ongoing relationship with your pet as you do with your children or your spouse. It 'important to maintain the relationship, if you want to be fruitful. If you do not have all the training you've done so far in vain.

Sometimes, however, like all relationships, one with a dog can be rocky. But the owners have trained dogs with behavior problems when things change. Dogs have been known to do when their owners are working longer hours, go back to school, have children or get married. Dogs are not themselves when they are sick or in pain. Some dogs simply do not have all the reasons, because of the inherited problems of agriculture of the poor.

Here are 8 things you can do to ensure good behavior of your dog is doing well.

#1> Remember that you are the leader of the pack. Remember that your dog is genetically programmed to be part of a group and follow their leader herd. If you do not provide very substantial, but the right-hand drive, we try to become the leader. If he becomes the leader by default, behavior problems increase exponentially.

Here are some tips to make sure you remember that you are their boss:

- Never let him pull on his leash.

- Do not put the leash on your dog until he sits quietly.

- Do not let him get away with bad behavior.

- Always eat before him.

- Do not run or play hard in games like tug of war with your dog.

- Prohibition of biting someone.

- Always go through the doors before him.

- Try to be always calm, fair and safe when dealing with your dog.

- Never give anything - care, food, gambling - without doing something for yourself first, and sit on command.

- Never leave your dog on furniture without your permission.
- Protect your pet from other animals or people trying to hurt him.

When you are a strong leader, respected your dog. In this sense is an innate desire to please. He loves you and wants to obey all orders!

#2> Exercising with your dog every day. As with humans, any conduct that training your dog to do the will to be forgotten, if not the practice. Working with the dog at least 15 minutes per day on an aspect of their behavior. This is also important to remind your dog that you are the leader of his flock. Try to teach your dog something new every month or two. That keeps the challenge and give a sense of accomplishment. Most dogs were bred to do some work, and if not addressed to his dog is bored and develop behavioral problems.

#3> Be sure to give your dog treats and praise. Continue the technique used to train your dog. People tend to be complacent, and before you know it, Spot is monopolizing the bed and fall into the road to the belt. To make matters worse, listen to their commands. To avoid this, make your dog an act of obedience to win praise, petting or a treat.

#4> Do not hit or yell at your dog. Hit or kick your dog will have the same effect on a spouse or child - will ruin the relationship breaks down and trust that your pet is to you. Some owners use physical violence to train their dogs to fight for money. Others believe, mistakenly, that the abuse to look better or attack dogs. Statistics show that thousands of dogs are killed or injured by people every year. No matter how frustrated with him, never, never hit your pet.

Dogs do not respond well to yelling. All it does is make your dog more stressed, which is more likely that his behavior problems worse. Everyone loses patience from time to time, but remember that your dog responds only in the right direction.

#5> Receive medical treatment for your dog. Your dog needs a checkup at the vet every year to ensure its full form and had received annual vaccinations to prevent rabies and other diseases. It 'important to go to the vet the same every year so that he or she can monitor your pet and observe the testing problems. All dogs require a dental cleaning from time to time, also to keep them healthy. If your dog is injured or ill, you must consult a doctor. Your veterinarian can also give advice on behavior and feeding, breeding, training, selection and puppy

#6> Participate in obedience training. As an absolute necessity for a good positive relationship with your dog, be sure to take him on a course of 6-8 weeks before their first birthday, if a puppy as soon as possible if an adult dog. Teach him a good coach and what the basis is a dog-owner relationship and right is.

If you have an older dog, do not worry. This old adage, "You can not teach an old dog" is not true! A dog of any age can learn good behavior. Both you and your dog benefit. Read about the good conduct and respect you, the leader of the pack. You will learn the complexity of the behavior of your dog and how to act in a fair, even in dominant fashion. Obedience training is a good way to teach a dog "and" how to interact properly with other dogs and people. Whether alone with a dog or a group of people and animals, the dog learns to behave.

Here are some tips to help you determine which course of obedience is good for you and your pet:

- Ask friends, family, veterinarian or rapist recommendations.

- Make sure the teacher does not use positive reinforcement methods that hurt or frightened dogs.

- Choose a coach who focuses mainly on group classes. Although it may appear that a head of training could be better, group course gives you and your dog to see other people and their pets. Your dog will also focus on your commands, not just the coach. Some owners do both private and group lessons.

- Ensure there are separate classes for puppies and adult dogs. Dogs between eight and 16 weeks, both in puppy classes. You may also feel more comfortable with a trainer who offers beginning, intermediate and advanced obedience classes.

- Ask the coach might think, if you can attend a course. While you watch, keep in mind some of the details: warning when the class is so small that everyone can get a bit 'of individual attention. See if dog owners and have fun. To see if the trainer distributes educational materials. In a good class, you hear the praise and commands optimistic, but companies ringtones. The coach gives the owners of information on health, grooming or specific breeds? You want to make sure your coach knows that the dog, not only the techniques of obedience training.

- Ask your coach if he or she knows various techniques for working with dogs. This can be useful if your dog does not always respond to methods that have shown.

- Make sure the trainer requires that dogs are vaccinated and certified healthy by vet before enrolling in classes.

- Make sure you have a list of equipment you must bring with you to your first class.

Once you find the training courses and obedience, make sure you and your pet are prepared. Bring all necessary equipment. Do not feed your dog before class - as deals are part of the reinforcement of good conduct, is to ready to eat the sweets that could be desired, with a full stomach. Remember to do your homework! Among practical lessons is essential to reinforce the behavior of your dog.

#7> Read everything you can about your pet, breed, and dog care. You never know when it comes to your pet. Find out everything you have books, television and magazines. Just be sure to take time to explore the pet store pet food store or your favorite online pet supply company to see what kind of new products to market. A new toy from time to time is a new adventure for you and your pet.

#8> Keep your dog safe and comfortable. Give your dog a safe and enjoyable living helps prevent bad behavior, prolonging his life. Always have a variety of fun toys available balls, chew toys and squeaky. Make sure you play with your dog every day to give the necessary exercise they need to help bond with your pet and have fun!

If no one is home during the day, leaving the radio station. Keep pet areas of the house where you could eat something poisonous or be injured. Keep your yard maintained.

If your dog begins to have behavioral problems, do not despair! There's nothing that says you can not start training to change your behavior! With a little patience and perseverance, you will be able to eliminate the worst behavior. In extreme cases, may not be able to stop the behavior but training your dog is going to improve.

Some problems are not completely removed, especially if you choose a dog that did not have the temperament for your lifestyle. But some of these dogs may change if you have a good relationship dog pet owner. Now let's look at some of behavior problems and the most common form of re-train your dog to behave appropriately.

For a more in-depth training procedure, and many useful information on dog behavior problems and more effective training techniques, check out The Ultimate Guide to training. This is the complete dog-house-training guide. Training Tips for New Puppy/dog, Read More...