Jun 24, 2010

The Aggressive Dog - Understanding why? (Part Two)

### 4. Sexual Assault.
This type of aggression is usually limited to male dogs. Montan humans and other dogs. Mounting activity directed towards humans may reflect the lack of opportunity for the dog to play with other dogs, or too attached to people at an early age, the assembly of other dogs, especially when you first try to put his head on the neck dog may be related to the degree of control and complex behavior. Castration and behavior modification can contribute to this problem.

Often leave the dog to mate may be recommended by dog lovers of experts, usually worsens the problem.

### 5 Territorial Aggression

You can be with other dogs, people or both. By definition, territorial aggression should be directed to members of the same species, ie other dogs. domestic dogs, however, seems to regard human beings in this respect that the same species, and then to direct territorial aggression toward us, when the dogs display aggression to strangers only in the home garden, home, or in the backyard, but not respond aggressively to strangers on neutral territory, then territorial aggression is the most likely diagnosis. There are two main reasons for territorial behavior, controlling behavior, which is the complex domain, or from fear and anxiety. May be worse in a small space like a car for an open space. Some dogs may be at home, but not very well in the garden.

The only answer to this problem is to work in a dominant or territorial problem in a way a dog understands its position through a program of behavior modification techniques, use the improvement. Remember to take due to the paralysis of guilt, rather than praise for his bad behavior does not occur, first. In other words, say the dog jumps on someone and say "off" if not the dogs, lets get them praise for the inappropriate behavior that has been the jump.

### 6. Complex Control / Dominant Assault

The key word is a dirty word in the behavior of dogs average at the moment, but if we understand the word means the position and is much more complex than simple assault, then ignore this area of conflict would be negligent. The first approach to other dogs is often cautious and contains many status signals, such as the use of a high position in the queue, and moving quickly from left to right, nails, etc. If the dog is claiming their rights, everything is good, if not, the fight can be very noisy and sometimes very serious. The last two examples, dominant and territorial aggression, the dog pulls are usually pretty bad on offense. These dogs can also display aggressive tendency towards members of the family that could lead to an attack if it was in its early stages. When working on a program that will give the dog a purpose and a position in life, almost losing a job teaching and leash walking the dog can sometimes fix the problem. The type of program used NILIF program, which means "Nothing in life is free", see my website with the domain

### 7. Aggression or Predatory Chase

This can be accomplished in many things including dogs, cats, or anything that stimulates a response from hunting. The squirrels are a favorite of movements, which appear to stimulate rapid shaking calmer dogs. I see a lot of predatory aggression of hunting, for example, Border Collies, particularly stimulants such as bicycles, scooters and cars corridors.

One of the main factors that distinguish predatory aggression and other forms of aggression is that the movement is often the trigger. In nature, this movement is in the form of walking and attempted escape of a small animal. abusive behavior can be seen in dogs of all ages and sex.

Dogs who show great interest and anxiety becomes a party or movement or noise by children or other pets must be kept under control at all times. The prognosis is not good for this type of aggression. accumulated obedience training can help, but use only if the owner / trainer is able to constantly monitor the dog at all times.

It 's easier to control hunting of encouragement when the car goes, riders, and cycling. Two common types of treatment rec-conditioning used to change the perception of the falsely identified prey to dogs. Many also believe punishment works ie noise aversion when the behavior is stimulated first. Discard the water from a car window or signs of rape or air horn at the exact moment when the dog takes off, throwing a plastic bottle with stones from a passing car or a bike, sometimes you may change this behavior.

However. To be effective, punishment must be given the aversion and the date of the sanction should be accurate so that the dog will associate the punishment with the behavior. Electric shock collars have been proposed, but are not part of treatment programs that I could never recommend.

As mentioned aggression often has its origins in agriculture, lack of socialization, high prey drive, and poor basic training can also aggravate the situation.

However, as mentioned before could be related to medical conditions and before embarking on a course of behavior therapy that your dog checked to see if there are underlying medical conditions.

Learned aggression can usually be cured, however, hereditary aggression can not be controlled and contained with optimism. Castration is sometimes useful, and should be considered in a program to reduce aggression in general. In all cases of aggression, you should consider a dog trainer or behaviorist with experience in these things before life-threatening problems for either the dog or the person they are attacking the Contras.