Apr 9, 2010

Traveling with your pet

Got the perfect pet? We have the perfect petsitter

You have decided to take your pet with you on vacation. There will be more fun, and not have to worry about any member of your family left in a strange kennel. have a little 'more planning and foresight, you can create a safe and pleasant journey with your pet.

#Taking a road trip
If you ride with your pet, you should find a comfortable and safe for your pet to travel. You can place your pet in a carrier and secure it by car. Alternatively, you can use the belt-like belt for your pet, allowing the carrier, but he is held is always better to buy. It is not wise to let your pet loose in the car. You can be seriously injured if even a small accident, and is much more likely to escape and lost if you do not.

Do not leave the dog alone in the car, especially in hot weather. Heat can quickly become fatal. If the dog is easily car sick, the veterinarian recommended motion sickness medicine before the trip to ask.

Remove the power of your pet with you and your pet small amounts of food at once. If the trip is short, you can have your pet to wait and eat when it comes to preventing damage. You also need to buy water along your pet, or bottled water. tap water may contain various minerals or sulfur, which could stomach of your pet.

#Flying with your pet
Many pet owners do not like to fly with their pets, because it may prove traumatic for her, but sometimes unavoidable. If your dog is very small, and then will travel as cargo and not in the cabin with you. Check with your airline to determine what type of carrier is acceptable and what are the rules for flying with a pet. Know what safety measures are taken, the condition that the animal by air, so ask your veterinarian if your pet is enough to fly or that special precautions must be taken.
#International Travel
Your pet in the country requires careful planning. Check the regulations for the country of residence and make sure your pet has proper vaccinations. In some cases, it is necessary vaccines weeks before departure.

Most countries require a rabies vaccination and a health certificate. Your veterinarian can help these two. The country you travel, may require complete paperwork to get permission to bring your pet in the country. Some countries have quarantine regulations require that your pet can stay in a kennel for several months.

#Hotels Pets Allowed
A quick search on the Internet can help, you can find hotels that are receptive to pets. Many travel sites can also specify that PET frienly homes. Check with the hotel to find their specific rules of living with a pet.

If your pet requires walks, ask for a room that looked outside. It will be convenient for those who travel at the end of the night out.

Many alternative lodging sites such as stations and bed and breakfast cabins are also open to receive pets. Check in advance for availability, where to go. Since many of these places offer outdoor activities are great opportunities for livestock producers.

#What is your dog all day?

You know how you travel and you have a hotel that your pet is welcome, then you have found? What does your dog do all day when the fun?

Outdoor holidays is the ideal choice for those traveling with pets. Consider renting a motorhome and camping. Many RV rental pets allowed for a surcharge. A trip to the beach is also a good choice for owners of pets. But keep in mind that sand can be irritating to some animals, especially dogs with deep skin folds. Some animals are bothered by prolonged exposure to the sun as well.

If you spend much time outdoors to keep plenty of cold water at hand and watch your pet for signs of overheating and exhaustion.

Some restaurants offer outdoor seating, with the dog. Check in advance where all available nearby, where to stay. If you want a meal with your pet, restaurants and shopping are close companion, you can take a picnic or outdoor.

What happens if you are under a more traditional holiday? Many tourist attractions are not welcome your pet, and is not a good idea to keep your pet alone in a hotel room may be strange all day. You can leave your pet in his career for short journeys, but for all day trips to consider seeking assistance to children or pets in the kennel area. You can leave your pet for several hours in a safe environment but still enjoy his company during the trip.

#What to bring
Bring your own food for pets or plan to buy, if necessary. This is not the right time to change your pet food, and you must avoid at all costs that your pet any table scraps. Travel can be stressful, no matter how careful you are, and do not need the complication of stomach upset your pet.

Do not give your dog the local water, especially when traveling abroad. It 's safer to give your pet only bottled water, avoid stomach upset.

Bring all medications your pet takes, including vitamins, medicines against lice, the needs of the heart, etc., you must also bring a little 'basic salary first aid for injuries. Ask your veterinarian what should be included in the kit first pet. These drugs upset stomach and a mild sedative for your pet can be very happy. The purchase of a kit with pre-PET equipped supply shop in different animals.

To make your pet more comfortable, bring a little 'home. Bring your animal bedding or some of his favorite toys. Put treats that your pet has eaten in the past, without gastric distress. Again, this is not the time to try any new food. The carrier must be large enough to allow comfortable for your pet to stay indoors for several hours. He must be able to stand, turn around, lie down and may, in this group. Also make sure your pet has fresh water available in the structure.

#Checklist before departure
Make an appointment with your veterinarian. Examined your pet and make all vaccines are necessary. Ask if your pet is healthy enough for travel, and seek advice on health, all of your pet. Remember that if you travel outside the country, you may need to plan weeks in advance.

Make sure your pet has identification that is currently under the neck, and that is good and probably not to slip. You can check with a microchip implanted before the trip, but you should discuss with your veterinarian, the speed can travel for your pet for surgery.

Collect phone numbers for veterinarians, emergency medical facilities for animals, stables, etc., prior to any place where we leave it. not in an accident or illness occurs, you will be happy not to have time to care for someone for your pet to find.

Make a packing list for your dog and what your veterinarian recommends. Recheck how to pack business. Take the phone number of your veterinarian if you call and ask a question at the last minute, or other documents in a clinic for pets.

Take your time, your pet used to his career, especially if they are new. If traveling by car, take your dog in the car for trips to practice before the big day is not so traumatic. Another advantage of this approach is that you learn if your dog became ill around easily.

If you travel with your cat, bring a litter box and litter with you. It 's easier to buy litter bins cheap and have plastic rather than try to clean and transport. While traveling with a dog, you need to bring bags to clean up after your pet goes.

#Moments of embarrassing and disturbing
Stressed animals during the journey, so accidents happen. Put some 'cleaning wipes and disposable plastic bags for your pet. is another good idea to bring a small bottle of detergent enzyme. If the dog selects the hotel carpet as the ideal spot for his accident, you can remove the smell and the stain before it has set a change.

Never open the door for pets when in a confined space. The animals can move much faster than you can, and nothing can ruin your vacation faster than losing your travel companion.

Traveling with your pet can be a challenge, but with a little advance planning can also be fun and rewarding. Attempting to short weekend before a long holiday travel can also contribute to acclimate your pet, and find out how your pet is traveling.
