Apr 14, 2010

7 Things Should Know About Cat

*** 1) Life - They said, give a cat for three years for each year of the man, and you have an idea of how old, compared to us. Not at all. A cat in a year, playing and fully capable of taking care of themselves. A man is powerless to three years. The mathematical formula for understanding the "true age of an animal does not work because their internal and external developments to be different and does not correspond to human development.

But did you know that to increase the lifespan of cats, a dozen years or decades ago, seems to eighteen or more, and it seems that now not uncommon for cats to live in Their twenties? Little progress that medicine cat, but it seems that GM and to live a better quality of life and some cats, a contribution is much older. Many cats in Southern California were reported to live the time of thirty to thirty years.

*** 2) Independent & Lonely - I think both cats are solitary creatures, but if you gather on a farm where there are cats in the colonies, sometimes briefly attended all twenty in number and seem to still hunting. There is little fighting because it is always a dominant cat to accept all others, remains the same. At least until you get a new cat and the domain will be restored.

If you are inside / outside cat, like me, you can find without any doubt, ask them out, but he has the door of her pussy. Mine is not every day, usually at night. Go to the door, open it and work on the wall, hastily, awaiting the opening next door, though both have cat doors. If I brought in the garden with him, seems happy, rolling on the stones, looking at me. I think it would love a hunting companion. (Preferably, I believe that one a bit 'quieter and more discreet than me.)

*** 3) Cats can not be trained - the training is entirely possible, and probably all television output cats trained to see a rope walk, a ball and even diving. We have this kind of business in a sensational and I think those who are not our own cats recyclable. Depending on the breed and particularly cats, are probably all somewhat trained and are certainly able to train with us!

Parthian Moyes in his book "How to Talk to Your Cat, tells how one of their cats and have a game, the object to remove precarious perch for a few - say, on top of a chair and an object, without worry, everything is round without hitting the paper on the floor. The cat made with care and attention and success. His other cat, and she says, makes the game easy to understand, "the independent thing and also retrieve the object, but the most awkward , hits the ground.

Ms. Moyes speaks of two other games that they and their cats, and try to carry and hide. In the first, the person is an aluminum sphere (or what-cast) and the cat, that is, the person was standing. The second said he invented his cat. They (the cat) is to bring the ball of aluminum foil may be covered, then leave the room. Ms. Moyes fade, just call her cat, which begin to explore the excitement is all hidden, find, recover and leave the room. Note that Mrs. Moyes has created and maintains an unusual attitude and a close and respectful to their cats. Most likely the parents, and many pet owners, yes, they found that the more you have of your dog (or child) can anticipate, plus you can leave your pet or child.

My cat has its own less spectacular, but good example. A stray dog took about 8 months which first caused some concern to do with the trend, "nails on the furniture., Ho bang your foot down and tell him, and had no grip. Now I just need to tell no uncertain terms to stop, and he does. He does it only when he wants something, and I'm not careful.

In reality it is an opportunity to drive a cat to get your attention and you know who needs something - does what it knows it can not do. My cat knows that is not allowed on the kitchen table, for example, but when his bowl is empty for too long, he jumps on the table, and I know that now wants to eat.

This is an Egyptian papyrus of Dynasty XX shows a dog that walks on its hind legs, bringing a group of goats. In the same table, there is a cat walking on its hind legs, carrying a team, Herding ducks. The photo shows the dog and the cat on its hind legs to transport personnel, probably indicating that it controls. They showed their four-legged, the other could not demonstrate the Implementation of an agent and two, they seem to be the same goats and ducks, not support. I think once before the dark days of the death camp for cats and cat were trained employees, and I expect they were very receptive to this arrangement.

*** 4) Aside - When the terrible story for the family of cats suffer at the hands of the people, again and again throughout Europe and even in America, it is not surprising that the cat has been returned. Associated with witches, Satan and evil as a breed, the cats have been betrayed, condemned, tortured and killed several times by thousands and tens of thousands. Those who passed the pogroms their genes to descendants have survived, and survival of the human sense of caution. However, every cat owner knows a cat really can be fixed, and as I am sincerely grateful for the love and care for them.

*** 5) Cats & Music - began playing an instrument a little soft, suitable for folk music as a guitar and a dog to leave the room. A cat, on the other side could come together, determine the role of you, purr and seem to appreciate very sound. My previous cat was my biggest fan, especially my finger picking fairly expensive.

My current cat, he likes to play guitar, but the profound joy also evident when comparing hold and play the harp on the strings. I can not describe his state of ecstasy, as if all sounds simple washing bit 'with him the pleasure almost unbearable. Many composers throughout history tell the same story.

The famous harpist, Miss Dubuy noticed that her cat purrs nicely when a piece of his harp, but also cried when they played less. They used these phenomena to improve their skills. Realization of what she owed its success as a harpist, her cat demanding, who left his legacy and provide substantial value as true friends, his cat has been well maintained.

There is a video on YouTube of a cat playing the piano. She is well aware of beeps, totally immersed in the phenomena. When his beloved Bach played on the other cat stops and listens with evident satisfaction. It is everything, as if this cat, in fact, all cats love good music and wants in this YouTube video for musicality.

*** 6) Movement - We all know how cats are agile and flexible - through a variety of factors. Contrary to humans, they have kept the vertebrae of the spine held together by ligaments, with her cat by force, ranging from big cat movement. Due to the construction of the shoulder, can turn its foreleg in almost any direction.

But have you noticed, probably without thinking about the fact that there is something funny, something remarkable in the manner of a cat?

Unlike almost all other mammals, the advance by moving the front leg on one side of the body and backward, pushing the line of cat and hind legs on the same page. Thus, front left, for example, pause, back left, front right, rear break. The only mammals, said that it is the camel and the giraffe - and both are fun to sail.

*** 7) Food, Water & Health - very good dry food for cats. This is a questionable assertion that many officials simply false. Cats need meat. Do not have a biological capacity to do so under a variety of objects from a variety of non-food products, meat, and the construction of proteins needed, people and dogs. And most of the content of dry food, that is, carbohydrates are not only natural foods for cats are totally unnecessary and potentially harmful. Meat, in any form, including canned food is the need for cats, not only for proteins but also for water.

Cats do not like any cat owner probably controlled the urge to drink. Their natural prey is their main source of water. Private not wet cat food can easily and too often do not develop kidney disease drying.

No matter if your cat eats dry food or wet, or both, fresh water must always be made available. Many cat owners have observed that the cat to drink more water if the pot is not near his food bowl, which makes sense, as in nature, animals, fetching water, are independent of their search food. Moreover, the animals clean, so you can not "feel" as hygiene, food odors and are near their water source.

You may also want to avoid plastic bowls for food and water. Plastic tends to scratch and develop nicks and scratches from harmful bacteria. Some cats are allergic to plastic and skin diseases develop on the chin, when food and water in plastic bowls.

But the water runs deep - but still not good for a cat. Almost all cat owners have noticed that their cats to the tongue under the faucet or even increase their mouths covered love to travel. My cat used to having his head put on a drip in the tub and let the water run until his tongue, staring at us - the pool was, that is. Many cats drink water from any other form of stagnant water.

Some people, including some veterinarians believe it is a molecular difference in water movement. Some think that is the vision of water movement, or sound. Whatever the reason (and to think about what a big problem, when these contributions on the Internet, are all measures that is a little 'surprising that the reasons for this do not know better), the cats prefer moving water .

This has generated a whole industry of cat and almost all of plastic, but there are several sources of ceramic cat bowls and a cat fountain. If one of the wells of plastic or a cat or a cat bowl ceramic fountain, all equally easy to take care completed and give a thorough cleaning on a regular basis.