Apr 4, 2010

10 Tips for Long-Term Health for Your Dog

Our advice is not intended to replace regular visits to your veterinarian - just to name a few practical ways to ensure that your pet remains in better health, offering his life.

# 1 Spay or Neutral
Talk about preventive medicine! The removal of the ovaries and uterus of a bitch - otherwise known as castration - helps prevent breast cancer and pyometra, or infection of the uterus and prevents the animal to go into heat. And the ASPCA experts believe that many problems can be avoided by sterilizing male aggressive behavior, or remove the testicles, for six months. The intervention also prevents testicular cancer, prostate disease and hernias.

# 2 Vaccinate
If the dog is born, he was given free of many diseases from antibodies in the milk of his mother. These antibodies, when he was discharged about three months, if your immune system vulnerable. You will find the dogs receive a five-in-one vaccine against several infectious diseases such as distemper, leptospirosis and parvovirus, as well as a vaccination against rabies. Ask your vet if vaccinations are cough and Lyme disease kennel for dogs is recommended.

# 3 Meet Your Vet!
You go to the doctor regularly - and should your pet. annual reviews give your veterinarian the possibility of recognizing the development of disease and take care of immediately. Your veterinarian will want to know about your pet's behavior, eating habits and exercise, and their temperature, pulse and respiratory rate monitored. Your doctor will also check your gums and teeth, heart and lungs, and assess the health of their internal organs. If this is a year or more since your pet has seen a vet, make that appointment today!

# 4 Fight Fleas
But know, please! These little creatures can cause serious problems for your pets, including skin diseases, anemia, scratching, allergies and tapeworms. There are many products available to control fleas on your pet or your home, but it is very important as it is for the use of cash for your pet allowed. In other words, do not use products for dogs on your cat, and vice versa. Ask your veterinarian for a recommendation, and do not forget - in the fight against lice, you must treat all pets in the house, not only those directly involved.

# 5 Prevent Heartworm
It 'difficult to treat and sometimes fatal, infections of heart worm is easily preventable. Your dog must undergo a blood test for heart worms every spring, and your veterinarian can prescribe a preventive tablet to be administered once a month for mosquitoes. (Some veterinarians recommend that the drugs can throughout the year.)

# 6 Moving
Not only daily exercise to keep the dog in good physical and mental health, it helps channel aggressive and destructive. Regular activity also burns calories and increases muscle mass and cardiovascular strength. When it comes to dogs, individual exercise needs vary based on race, sex, age and function level of health, but few walks around the block every day is probably not sufficient - especially if the dog is an adolescent or State sports equipment, hats, dog or terrier breeds. Start slowly, but limited, and sessions begin at five minutes.

# 7 Battle of the Bulge
Do not exercise enough and too much food leads to a weight of animals - especially those animals that gain I count on you to regulate nutrition and activity. Excess flesh can cause health problems, including arthritis and diseases of the liver and heart. Overweight pets face increased risk during the operation. What is the best way to tip the balance in favor of your pet? Gradually, reduce food intake and increasing their activity. You can go to a low calorie diet or a reduction in the size of the regular portion of food. We recommend a gradual reduction of 25 percent to 33 dogs - but it is always a good idea to check with your pet to the vet first.

# 8 Have a Week of Health
periodic examinations at home are a great way to stifle potential health problems in the bud. Moreover, they are easy as one, two, three:

   1 Check under the fur of animals humps, bumps, flakes or scabs.
   2 Check your pets ears and eyes for signs of redness or discharge.
   3 Take note of any changes in their eating or drinking. If something seems off, call your veterinarian.

# 9 Remember to Avoid the List of our Food
Our experts at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center invites you to avoid feeding the following foods for your pet: Alcoholic beverages, avocado, chocolate, coffee, fatty foods, macadamia nuts, moldy or spoiled foods, onions and onion powder , raisins and grapes, salt, yeast, sugar, garlic, and products with xylitol.

# 10 Remember Your Dog's Teeth
Your dog morning breath - all day? This is an important indicator that your dog needs dental care. food particles, saliva and bacteria - which can usually build a "plate" - because of the teeth and gums, and infection. If left untreated, can lead to infections of tooth decay - and even pass into the bloodstream and affect your dog's heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bones and joints! Check your dog's teeth and gums at least once a week, and ask your veterinarian how you can prevent gum disease by brushing regularly with a toothpaste specifically for the species of your dog.