Apr 30, 2010

Top 5 Basics For Dog Grooming

While the health care of your dog alone is not sufficient. You need to groom your dog to be sure that looks and feels better. Here are some basic dog grooming important that should be respected.

*** Brushing Hair ***
This is a most important requirements for grooming your dog. You need to brush your dog's hair regularly to avoid entanglements and maintain a healthy coat. The frequency of brushing hair of a dog depends on the duration and type of dog hair.

For example, if your dog has long hair, you should wash your hair regularly to prevent matting. Dogs of medium to long hair can be brushed every week or twice a week to maintain healthy hair. hair needs only minimal brushing hair small dogs. These dogs can survive without washing your hair for a month.

*** Trimming Nail ***
However, it's something that most dogs hate. Dogs are generally opposed to what their legs treated not as nails. When cutting the nails of your dog, you must be very careful. This is because if you cut your nails a bit 'shorter than required, it will be painful for your pet.

Once the dog feels pain because of the cut nail goes into the practice hatred even more. Therefore, it is important that pet owners to learn the correct method for cutting nails.

*** Giving a Bathing ***
Bathing your dog can make a difficult time for all pet owners. This is because most dogs refuse to be wet. But with a little 'attention and caution, you can make the bathing process to handle your dog. Most dogs need a bath every month. However, be sure to give your dog a warm bath, if he himself unclean. When a dog a bath, make sure the water is at optimum temperature and neither too hot nor too cold. Also, use a soap free shampoo for your pet.

*** Ear Care ***
The ears are one of the most vulnerable parts of the body of your pet. If not cleaned regularly, these ears can be used as a breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, it is important to clean the ears of your dog on a monthly basis, using a headset. However, make sure you are so slight that it could end up damaging your pet. If your dog's ears smell bad, so be sure to consult a veterinarian.

*** Have a Haircut ***
There are certain breeds of dogs like the poodle and Shih Tzu who has stopped taking her hair. It 'important to cut the hair of your dog on a regular basis and maintain the optimal length. These days, there are many trade shows that can give your dog loses a proper haircut.

Apr 29, 2010

Toxic Foods For Cats

You are one of the owners of cats I can not deny anything to your cat. Your cat begging for food from the table while eating. You "give some" oblidge, and table scraps. Do not feel bad, everyone at some point has done exactly what you want guility Sami.

The only difference is now we are learning about the foods that can eat very toxic and harmful for cats.

It is better to train your cat will not be at the table When you or someone else is eating. It 's just good manners. You Do not Want To Have and cat calling your company to the table. The relationship between labor supply is not your cat table scraps is much more important, and why.

For example: you have a turkey dinner. Is your sauce is the turkey and turkey feed a piece of your cat.

You could might harm your cat.

Many types of broth flavored with onion sauce and garlic and onion and other tubers are in the list of foods that cats should never be eating. The potatoes are first and green tomatoes can also be harmful to your cat. When peeling potatoes Therefore, if every fall on the floor to make sure your cat does not get a hold of it. The green tomatoes are particularly damaging stems and leaves. They contain toxins that are dangerous for cats. Nasty ripe tomato, which further danger notre your cat.

I think for now we know that chocolate is chocolate bad for animals. And deadly for dogs and cats. Keep away from all pets. We have all seen the films of milk and read books where people have a saucer of milk for cats. This is wrong and should not do.

I'm not saying that milk is toxic or dangerous for cats. Simply not intended for cats that have a healthy diet.

You can have side effects that are extremely uncomfortable forums. In addition, many cats are lactose intolerant and milk can make 'em have diarrhea and stomach upset years.

There are products on the market designed for cats that are best for them, then milk. One such product is called Catsip. It 'available in supermarkets and many have more nutritional value for your cat. So if you have a cat who loves milk instead try this.

Last two foods that may cause harm to your cat are grapes and raisins. Many new series that seems to side effects in cats, so the ASPCA recommends that you stay away from the race two foods your cat. So when your cat called "Trying to give that was made for cats. There are" any number of healthy snacks available now that you can safely "give that Will make your cat happy and not have to worry about side effects toxic.

Remember our pets think we know what we are doing and rely on us to maintain security. This is the least we can do as we are so lucky to have containment wonderful animals in our lives.

Apr 28, 2010

7 Secret Tips Before Training Your Chihuahua

# Training your Chihuahua to be your best bud #
We take all the little Chiwawa, given small enough to fit in the palm, but powerful enough, an intruder ten times their size. The dog who is a particular breed of dog that wants attention and will do everything to make you happy. But, like any other dog that is the attitude, discipline and puppy training is the key.

# Start with the base number of a rule #
The first sixteen weeks, the life of your Chihuahua are very powerful. For many people in eighteen years, what do you do at the top of the module is a companion or a little tyrant who imposes Snippy. Dogs are creatures of their inheritance when they run in packs and each pack has used a guide. Training your puppy Chiwawa to recognize as a leader is the first thing they need to learn how to calm her.

# How do I know my Chihuahua Puppy Training pleased? #
About the dog is intelligent and attentive to his boss, who you are. Beginning with the potty, as long as necessary, encourage and praise your dog and reward with treats. Take care not to fuss over your dog and no bonus if an order is complied with Chi. If a goal of puppy training has been achieved, proceed to the next. Crate training is awarded to define their territory, and praise and, if important, your dog interested in learning a new lesson. Remember, if you're lucky, your Chiwawa is happy.

# Chihuahua, a social butterfly #
Socialization and obedience training is the puppy. My Chiwawa must know what is expected of them in public or around other dogs and people. This is a huge step in building your relationship last a lifetime. Begin to form a team, each knowing the other moves, like a best friend. Your dog wants to be a big part of your life and may be walking a real pleasure for both of you will form your dog to interact with others and Chi.

# Should I run my Chihuahua in the house? #
A Chiwawa not like being alone, but you can not work out the baby with you or the church. Puppy Training alone, without the separation anxiety is another obstacle that must be skipped. Remember that you and your chief who need advice, what is your role when you are away. With the right training, your dog will not fear, fear or anger when you exit. There is only one part of the routine at the bottom to say that we should go.

# Keep your Chihuahua Health #
Do not boost your Chiwawa. A tired dog is overweight and slow and is bad for their health and their attitude. Dogs are not people and their systems do not react the same as ours. They give the exchange of food or overeating, because you think they are hungry. Get tips on proper weight to your veterinarian and stick to it. Look your best bud can be very rewarding Who long for both, if well trained puppy is properly applied.

# Last thing - be consistent in your puppy training! #
I can not stress how important it is to train your chi is consistent. If you need to bite and tear the Chi allow an old T-shirt, you're actually expected to do the same for your dinner dress beautiful someday. They did not know how to differentiate the tissue is allowed to bite, and who is not.

For a more in-depth training procedure, and many useful information on dog behavior problems and more effective training techniques, check out The Ultimate Guide to training. This is the complete dog-house-training guide. Training Tips for New Puppy/dog, Read More...

Apr 27, 2010

Keep The Cat Out of Your Home Garden

What better way to see the fruits of their labor, then a garden, right? We spend many hours making sure that all good for fruits and vegetables that have been made more tasty that I grew up.

However, looking through her kitchen window one morning, you notice your neighbor's cat decided to use the backyard for your own personal bedding business. Not angry with the cat (maybe if your neighbor). The cat is the work of their instincts as they have learned they can see a place like where to go, well, they go.

As the owner of the cat trained to do business in an appropriate location, you must train the cat is not a suitable place for your garden. We asked our experts in our Facebook page gardening methods they use to discourage cats their needs in their gardens, and this is what came.

If you love dogs? This seemed a greater consensus for many respondents, is to get a dog so the cat does not know to enter the court. Of course, owning a dog is a great responsibility in many cities around the world, the impact of license, seat belt laws and the list goes on. So keep this in mind if this is the way you want.

A number of people have suggested the use of cocoa as a natural mulch for cats and even though I have not read the Scientific Studies Suggest That people who do not do this post, pretended That worked very well, and someone wrote that the made snail problem.

The method of choice next to discourage cats is sprayed pepper flakes on and around the area where you can see the cat tried to do its thing. However, they wrote in their application of this method, said after a rain, it is necessary to replenish the source. In other words, put more hot pepper flakes.

There are also a number of devices that have been raised in conversation. He said most of the compensation to the garden. This allows plants to receive sunlight, water and nutrients they need and at the same time keep the chats. Another popular feature, though it has not been named, is an electronic device that emits a sound that is unusual for humans, But apparently not very popular with the neighborhood cats. You do a Google search on these devices to see what works best for you.

Last but not least, but the last time for a reason, has been to contact the local SPCA or the department of animal control cage rental and take the cat. Like dogs, cats have rules to follow, so your neighbor can not let their cats roam around. I left this for last, because this should be a last resort, after all this has failed. If you do not want to create a war with his neighbor about something that can be treated differently. However, if you've tried everything, then go in that direction. The local animal control will notify your neighbors about it.

Cats are great animals, no doubt. But I will not interfere with your home garden and certainly do not want their business. Try the above to ensure you can avoid causing problems.

Apr 26, 2010

Treats Your Dog Too Many Make Your Dog Hurt

Got the perfect pet? We have the perfect petsitter

Do you realize the importance of choosing a nutritious diet for your pet. You had the time and effort to consult your veterinarian for a dog food just healthy and nutritious. Whether you choose dry food, canned dog food, or do it from scratch, can be seen something very necessary in the diet of your dog.

Do you sometimes give your best friend to an agreement with the table or chew leather? These traits may seem a simple snack or treat, but in reality still accumulating. You can not have thought of before, but all sections will give your pet are part of the diet of your dog. The question now becomes, what is relevant in the plan to reduce the weight of your dog? Want to give your dog once a day of fun at night watching TV, or milk bones are scattered throughout the day with a cute trick or better pet?

The type of question to give your dog makes a further distinction in the diet of your dog. Forgot about cookies and leftovers, or maybe a piece of popcorn or? Junk food for you becomes junk food in your pet. In fact, some healthy foods are not good in your dog. Raisins have a healthy snack for people to snack between meals, but can be detrimental to the welfare of your dog. Maintaining a healthy diet for your dog, even during snack treats.

The skins are a topic of controversy. Some pet owners and vets feel they are not really a great pleasure for your pet. More skins really feel that these sports and improve the dental health of your dog. Find out what your veterinarian advises. If it is set to allow skins diet for your dog, avoid excess. Create thin stools and offers many empty calories.

Your dog views a treat as just that, a special agreement between meals. Essentially, the more the dog is not like giving them a carrot, chewing the skin, bones or milk. They are happy to receive a snack. If you find you have lots of sweets throughout the day, you can change the diet of your dog outside to maintain a healthy weight. Give your pet a lot of agreements with friendly good for everyone, you and your dog, but can cause serious health problems.

Consider changing your diet dog giving much less traffic. Instead of a big bone of milk, for example, breaking the agreement in a series of short articles and distribute them at a time. This will have your dog eating less between meals.

Ice cubes, small pieces of apple and carrots are great healthy treat ideas to consider when choosing a healthy diet for your dog. This is little difference overall and make monitoring your dog's daily intake much easier for you. So, you may be able to focus exclusively on food consumed during a meal. feeding a dog must be healthy to ensure a life of pleasure and your pet.

Apr 25, 2010

Dog Training With Children Around

If you bring a new puppy in a home where there are children who have as a pet parent and child, parents should be the limits of your child and new puppy kit. How can I do for you. Boys and girls get all excited and it is natural for them to run and jump and really come into play with a dog .... but they must learn, there are rules and restrictions, such as rough, new puppy with the games. can sometimes play rough as a young dog habit difficult to break into a dog a bit 'bigger. If the puppy is still very young and small, one of the most important things should be highlighted with small children, your puppy is a baby, and you may damage the puppy very easy. Running, jumping, snacking on the basis of shirts and pants are all the children and their dogs ..... But you can for your children that dogs can do more for the memory of a child and the child and the dog does not know better.

Humping is not a defined-no! It's a bit 'of a thing and domain in general a very young puppy is taken away not too generously. There was nothing sexual about it. That the dominant position. So if the puppy does not mean you should immediately correct the behavior. As soon as you see, immediately remove the puppies with a company very no! No need to shout at a puppy or a dog because you agree to be felt for some time. Use a low, growling voice resembles his mother like a rabid dog. Try to be undertaken with the probes to correct your puppy's behavior. Never climb or barbecue set high when an animal has vowed not to react the same way to noise.

Time to introduce puppies to feed, while children at an early stage to establish itself as a food without jealousy. The puppy may think that children are risking their food and must be shown that children have no food to go. There is nothing wrong with your children to make food for puppies, but to begin to teach the puppy to wait now that says it can take, you take the dog, and if your children have food funds, you can call a name of baby and tell him that dinner is ready, then release. This helps your puppy and learn later, the dog, control and status in the family. Involve children in early education will pay in the dog later in life.

Your children are the Naturals refine your puppy to come and teach. Children are most likely those who want to play is the search. There are toys for this type of games that are soft and fragile and will not harm children or pets. These toys are beautiful, but beware, do not have too many. One or two are enough toys and chew something. Many toys can distract and confuse the puppy. Teeth come soon enough and all puppies chew and if you think that a lot of toys for the puppy is all that we are able to chew their toys. Teach your children what they can and can not be thrown into the house. If you do not want to throw home, then they can roll and get the puppy to call them. The puppy quickly learns your name and come.

Jumping up is excitement, but your children's side when the dog does this and say "down". Holding toys on his head, but led him to jump and he can be punished if he was joking. You need the difference between play and tease, to take account of children. Many children have problems with it, do not understand that the puppy that kind of feeling you have. It can be a bit 'difficult to mitigate for children and at one point could be the difference between playing and teasing with a toy that children feel strong enough to try.

Another important thing that many children can be difficult with a small dog or puppy. They are not intentionally cruel, but I'm curious. Do your job right in teaching your children that animals have feelings and can hurt and cry and feel pain. Your dog will be a little 'luck and a normal life, be with them, until he or she is driving a car! How do they cope with these puppies and then show the dog is the kind of person they become. Move your compassion and love and understanding towards those who are defenseless. show them that they are compassionate to do so. God knows that we need even more vicious tyrants of this world, we have more than enough. Most puppies start train Kidsthem abuse the family pet, and nobody can stop them. As the parents of the child and the animal, you need a level head on his shoulders must love animals. Teach your children the same way, and adults will be proud when they are all grown up! Bring your love and respect for children's pets and your family will be satisfied and happy.

We have a guide that really helps getting the hard part process of new puppies. We believe that the guide can help you, like many others have contributed, The Dog Training Secrets. We used this guide and it works! Anyone who tries to train a dog or puppy should read this guide, as has been demonstrated over and over again to work. There are many tips for training your dog for children.

Thank you for your trust with your pet and your children during this transition.

Apr 23, 2010

Pet Training

The dogs are generally smarter than we think. You understand much more than we believe. And that dog has the inherent capacity, we can soon pet to do something we ask for.

A great secret in training animals for their inherent ability to our advantage. With dogs, this inherent ability to move could lead to their traditional uses, such as the desire to hunt, so deeply rooted in Terrier or Border Collie Kelpie and almost everything that is not love!

This generates a love for hunting are also dogs who like to look at things, while others love to raise dogs. These traits are things that dogs like to do, obviously, and we use these properties to make it fun for the animals to learn new things. Once I had a Jack Russell terrier named Pippy and loved raising cattle and sheep. It was one of my best "Mountain Dogs! Work with a Kelpie and Collie. This shows that we must look at what your dog likes, and use such property for use in education.

This also applies to goats. My wife raised two orphaned children angora goats. They were white as snow, and were smaller than a miniature poodle. He loved to watch TV on my wife, kneeling in the living room to sit with her. Their names were Charlie and Jeanie. My son of 14 years fell in love with Jeanie and soon had all sorts of tricks. It simply uses the natural ability of the goat and love to jump on chairs, stone or a tall object, a kind of king of the Castle game, goat, make you shine. However, in a short period of time he had learning Jeanie, a 12-liter oil drum pounce on the other, more straight.

It was to teach a simple task to jump the gun Jeanie, then go to the next hop and four in a row. expand the last round of arms of my son would be sufficient to Jeanie and would start screaming and his arms. They did it because he loved to jump on things as simple as the use of my son.

Then one day, that Jeanie was almost fully grown, the vet came to check the flock of goats and Jeanie was among the herd. But when the herd veterinarian under the control of their health status is not intended to Jeanie followed like a shadow. "Vet finally stood up and asked me what was wrong with the child, which held for him? He committed the ' fatal error to stretch his arm to point to Jeanie. He immediately noticed the signal and has completed training in the bowling arm around him from other goats. it scares the life out of him!

This type of training is easily accessible with dogs. Many dogs love to jump on things and if cats. But this is where the "corruption" comes into play. This corruption has ended with some tasty little treat. Using small pieces of minced meat or chicken or sausage Cabanossi. All that delicious that your pet likes.

They use these small plates, teach them to obey a series of commands, such as bites:

• To sit
• Coming
• A foot slips slightly on the head and go outside.
• To teach your dog to do tricks.

And the actual value of a seat belt when you walk your dog or use other animals like cats, goats and even a pig. If the dog has a habit of trying too hard to draw a line or Rush does for other animals for a walk, just turn the company quickly in the opposite direction and walk. The animal is usually astonished at this sudden change in your behavior. But the dog is smarter than most people credit for that. Just make a couple of times and the company receives the message and behaves perfectly. You can also use your "corruption" to take bites of food your pet's attention to something you want to provide a bit of fast food and turn off his attention immediately.

For a more in-depth training procedure, and many useful information on dog behavior problems and more effective training techniques, check out The Ultimate Guide to training. This is the complete dog-house-training guide. Training Tips for New Puppy/dog, Read More...

Get a FREE 6-day Dogs Training Course

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Apr 22, 2010

Poison Warnings for Pet Owners

Cocoa Mulch and Sago Palms can be deadly to cats and dogs.  Please take note of this mulch and plant to protect your pet.

Word has spread on the Internet for the last couple of years regarding the toxic effects of cocoa mulch sold at most all home stores and large retailers.  The warnings are true.  The mulch is made from “waste shell from the extraction of chocolate from cocoa beans”.

The mulch contains a lethal to pets ingredient called ‘theobromine’.  Just as chocolate is lethal to pets because of theobromine, so is the mulch.  Avoid using this mulch in any yard. 

A new concern to me is the toxic plant Sago Palm.  VinNews reports that “a pet can die within hours of ingesting the plant.”  The plants are popular in the yard in the south and as well are popular house plants all over the country.  In a VIN discussion one veterinarian wrote “I swear, it seems to me that dogs are attracted to sago palms. In the cases of toxicity I see (several each year), it seems to be the only plant in the yard the dogs chew on. ... I think we need to be more proactive in trying to warn owners they should not have these plants at all."

Apr 21, 2010

5 Best Gifts For Pets

Most individuals or families view their pets as a member of the family too. However, there is no reason not to be included in birthdays, Christmas or any holiday for that matter. It 'a special day for them and should be celebrated. So what you get for your feline friend for her birthday? Why not consider some of these popular ideas that are sure to encourage your pet for their special day:

<1> Pet Carrier - Your pet will love this gift! A pet carrier is a bag big enough to make room for your pet. Your pet is then in the cabin while tote around town. Imagine what it would be happy to go anywhere and never have to take a step. These items can cost between $ 20 and thousands of dollars depending on style, brand and size of the bag.

<2> Clothing for Dogs & Cats - Just as humans like clothes for birthdays, pets too. They like to dress up as well as sweaters to keep warm in winter. There are many places to buy clothes for your pet and can cost a minimum of $ 10 to thousands, depending on your preference and the amount of money you are willing to spend.

<3> Tasty Treats - Every pet will love the gift of food. His favorite is sure to feel special on their birthday (or other time), which can be very inexpensive but effective gift.

<4> Pet ID Tags - These items can be personalized with your favorite designs or characters, but what is most beneficial of these gifts is that if they lose, are returned. This is probably the best gift you could ever want.

<5> Manicure & Pedicure - I know it sounds crazy, but really is not. Consider how your pets to walk on his feet. Just like love manicures and pedicures, your pets can benefit from special treatment. Note that this only works for animals with legs and probably the best for the female nature.

There are many other gift ideas for your pets. It is up to you to decide what is best for them, but also within your budget. Many people spend excessive amounts of gifts for their pets, but I really do not need anything fancy, just a little 'something to let them know you care. And ultimately what matters ... not price.

Apr 20, 2010

Most Training Mistakes Dog Owners Make

What are the Top Dog Training mistakes most owners make?

Dog owners tend to train their dogs false, because they recognize that dogs are very social animals that depend on their human friends, are not directly behavior. Consequently, many dog owners not error training harder than can train their dogs properly.

Some errors that the formation of a maximum most dog owners make this show.

# Many dog owners to train their dogs mixed.

Many owners have their dogs are not going well, doing things the same way every time. This inconsistency can be difficult to train a dog to effectively because it makes it almost impossible to understand for the dog, they want their people want them. Consequently, most dog owners, conflict behavioral expectations tend to have difficulties to teach their dogs to do things like sit in appropriate places and use the bathroom outside rather than on earth.

# Many owners also tend to give their dogs too miserable to do bad things and not enough praise when something good.

Many owners tend to punish the dogs up when a mistake and underestimate what they are doing well. This may make it difficult train a dog because dogs need to learn positive reinforcement, as the things we do.

Consequently, most dog owners tend to do only bad things for their pets have difficulty teaching their dog basic social skills, because end that the negative attitude of systematically building a "sentence" with care. This shows the dog that the bad things it does is give more attention. In this case, the socialization of the dog is almost impossible.

# Another mistake dog owners tend to tend to settle in higher education.

Many homeowners do not wait to start training the puppy to things they need to socialize properly. This impatience can get the owner a lot of problems because most puppies are not physically or mentally ready to learn to do things like walking on a leash or remain in one place.

Consequently, homeowners who try to rush things to do and have the same overzealous parents when they teach, Their 3-year, trying to drive as you would
like. Would you do this for her 3 years? Of course not! The same reasoning should apply the socialization of your puppy. Let them play until about 4-6 months. What will have enough time to promote physical and mental maturity, they need socializing them to develop properly.

# Finally, dog owners tend to give too much candy, while training their dogs.

Give your dog a sudden, or a dog bone is a good way to reward good behavior. However, over the supply of these treats to your dog difficult to train your dog properly, because your dog is just the time to learn to behave properly when Mom and Dad gives him a reward. Then important to use only occasionally considered the dog to behave all the time to teach. form if you do this, it is much more fun

His dog, he knows that is waiting for a treatment cycle has the same time!

Apr 19, 2010

Got the perfect pet? We have the perfect petsitter

Some cats are natural travelers, and a journey quite satisfied, while others have not, really depends on the personality of your cat. Travel may be the theory of relativity easy or very difficult when you have your cat in tow. There are several ways to travel and there are other things you should consider a means of transport.
Air travel can be very difficult if your cat hates flying. Maybe you can post them on the floor with you or them in a cargo space designed specifically for pets when traveling. Some airlines allow you to take your cat in a carrier that fits under the seat in front of you. You must ask the airline whether or not an option, the more you must observe if your cat is comfortable in this establishment, especially if the flight is very long game. 

If this practice is not allowed, you must place your cat in a carrier and test it in the hold. If you plan on traveling with your cat, you must book in advance and inform the airline you are traveling with a cat. You should also verify that the vehicle meets the criteria of the airline. May also be able to your cat during the duration of the flight have quelled the veterinarian to travel a bit easier. 
 If you go on TRIPS, including cats, like you, then a long-distance travel by car is relatively easy and stress free. If on the other hand, hates, can not be the best trip. In all cases, you must ensure that the cat is ready to work with you the journey. First, there are surely your cat is a cat in a carrier when you travel, to help secure and avoid distractions while you share the driving force.
You must also ensure that your cat a collar with an identification label on him. If your cat does not like your car, you can try to get used to it in advance by the fund for short trips around the neighborhood or street. Before you travel, you must make sure your cat to pack the bag and yours. 

You must make sure that she, her dishes, food, litter, drugs, waste, cat beds, cat toys, and a sort of cat tree, so as not to tear the room to go. If it is absolutely necessary when you return the car to chat, you can find another plan for him, when you're away. 

If you have a cat who is upset by the mere idea of travel, you may need to give others with a plan. You can leave your cat with friends, at home or in a kennel. What you choose depends largely no doubt like this, your cat and his temperament and adaptability. A kennel name allows your cat in a place where you can try to be taken to visit some pre-election or a decision, I ask friends for recommendations. 

Standards vary so much flattery, you have to do much good research before you drop your cat. can make a family friend in your cat, so they can take all their needs, when you are away. You can also choose to leave the cat at home when you're just a little 'time will be spent with a friend to visit twice a day, or a cat sitter to stay home with your cat. 

Do not ask someone, make sure you can trust them and allow them a list of instructions, like what food you feed your cat, HIM "Because if you eat when fresh litter, and all the emergency numbers and details of veterinary . If your cat is very nervous nature, keep it at home may be the best option.

Apr 18, 2010

Dog's Eyes  - The Most Important But Neglected Part of The Body of Dog

No other organ in the body of your dog has a complicated mechanism and complex structure such as small eyes. A thorough eye examination can be done by a veterinarian, but hopefully through our brief description here at least enough to be a problem if he puts the place.

The first sees when looking at the eyes of your pet are the upper and lower eyelids - the specialists tend to protect the eyes. The eyelids must be smooth and clean. The edge of the eye or center of the lower lid should not turn on or off. Make sure that the eyelids and nose hair do not rub the eye. Sometimes, these hairs can be distorted and may be sore and irritated eyes. A smooth, pink tissue, the conjunctiva can see, the interior surface of the eyelids.

The link allows the eye to lubricate and protect them from infection. The space between the eyelid and conjunctiva eye together, the conjunctival sac. If the conjunctiva is red or swollen, or if there is a green or yellow discharge, tissue inflammation is present.

The cornea is the clear "window" of the eye that bends light rays entering. The cornea can lose its clarity when inflamed, or injured. Hair and branches can damage the cornea, especially in the pop-eyed dogs. The sclera is the fibrous forms his eyeball ping pong and opaque white. The sclera is usually through a yellow (jaundice) in dogs with liver problems.

The diaphragm controls the amount of light in the back of the eye and gives the eye color of your dog. The black hole at the center of the iris is the pupil. Expands (grows), can give more light in the darkness, and forced (smaller) in bright light. A cataract is the white haze that blocks the light passing through the eye, and can be seen by a bright light in the pupil of the eye. A natural aging process called senile cataracts or nuclear sclerosis, is caused by a rearrangement of fibers and water loss in the most objective.

Apr 17, 2010

9 Tips for Making Your Dog Healthy

Save 80% on Frontline Plus & Other Pet Meds

They say dog is man's best friend. Although this statement is true, you must also understand to be the best friend of his dog. Dogs have a variety of needs that must be met to keep them healthy and strong throughout life. These needs will be supplied by you. Fortunately, most of them can be satisfied simply by interacting with your pet and follow these 9 tips to keep your state of health of dogs.

*** Regular visits to the vet
Your dog needs regular visits to the vet for life. Not only must see the vet for shots and vaccines and tests of heart worm, but a veterinarian can identify a potential health problem if it can be treated early enough to avoid affecting their dogs health and activity every day.

*** Castration or sterilization
Sterilization of your dog in the right age, not only prevent unwanted pregnancies but also protect your dog against other problems. A dog that is neutered is less likely to become aggressive and spayed female is less likely to have breast cancer and other diseases.

*** Good nutrition
Good nutrition is essential to keep your dog healthy. Do your homework and find the plan that gives your dog the perfect balance to stay healthy and fit. Note that food needs may change as the age and the adjustments it has to do with your diet. Avoid sweets and healthy snacks.

*** Regular flea treatments
Make sure your dog is regularly treated against fleas is important. Not only you do not want your house haunted by these threats, but fleas can make your dog sick and unhappy.

*** Proper socialization
Properly socialize your dog will be less anxious and more wise. It will also help contain any aggressive tendencies that arise from entering your dog to new situations or people that make you nervous or threatened. Also traveling with it easier for you and your pet.

*** Basic Training
At least your dog sit, stay and come to order. It should also be trained on a leash. When training your dog these basic commands that you can maintain control and keep your dog safe at his side.

*** Good Housekeeping
Be sure to keep your dog proper maintenance. Brushing, bathing, nail clipping and teeth are very important maintenance to keep your dog comfortable and healthy.

*** Exercise
Exercise helps your dog stay fit and helps prevent the boredom that can lead to negative behavior. The amount of exercise your dog needs depends on the dog's breed and size. Make sure you have the amount of daily exercise.

*** The attention and affection
Dogs, like people, need care and love to be happy and well adjusted. Spend time with the dog and play with it, you link to increase and will result in a happier and well behaved dog.

Follow these 9 simple tips and your dog will remain active, healthy and happy for many years to come.

Apr 16, 2010

How to Train German Shepherd Sit on command

To stay calm trying to get your German Shepherd, when you say "sit down?"

There are 5 steps in training German Shepherd dogs.

#1 Put a collar and leash your dog.

#2 Stand to the right of your dog. Both want the same direction with your dog on your left.

#3 Give the command to your dog, such as "Bruno ....sit." In saying this, press the back legs of your dog (top right of the corner), the line held firm and straight. If this is difficult, you may need to take neck to keep his attention and prevent his flight.

#4 Try to keep sitting for about 10 seconds. Then he sits repeat the command "Hold Sit" over and over and contact with eyes.

#5. Use the "OK" for him to get up and then praise him enthusiastically.

For a more in-depth training procedure, and many useful information on dog behavior problems and more effective training techniques, check out The Ultimate Guide to training. This is the complete dog-house-training guide. Training Tips for New Puppy/dog, Read More...

Easy Techniques for Training Dogs,

Apr 15, 2010

Do Not Give Child's Toys to Your Pet

Save 80% on Frontline Plus & Other Pet Meds

Comes with little thought that a toy is not safe enough for a day of business. But they are not. Do not risk the life of your dog.

A new history of the death of an animal was passed to me by many pet owners concerned. Some toys are filled with "Gel Elastomers" rather than filling. The gel was fatal for at least one dog.

Gel Elastomers are used for the simulation of a thirst for a child's toy. Although all data sets available, the gel is not toxic for children who do not eat children, like a dog toy. Dogs can chew these toys, and large pieces can block the intestines, the result can be fatal.

Only buy toys that are designed specifically for your dog or cat. check with the dogs, and buy the proper size, do not give a large dog, a small toy. Always check your pet with a toy. I know that sounds like a burden, but not as expensive as a trip to the vet. Mix all the toys that tear, throwing the bones before swallowing small enough. Pork hide bones are easier to digest (and thus safer) rawhide bone. Put all the toys to minimize the destruction from which the animal is not monitored.

Got the perfect pet? We have the perfect petsitter

Apr 14, 2010

Visit SitStay.com today!

The love for animals by their owners to try to push everything to keep them healthy and fit. The best pet-products in pet stores performance and research are needed to be done to get the proper care for animals to provide the family members.

Although not a major concern for many (because they are unaware of the risks), pet food plays an important role in the care of an animal. Many pet owners to buy groceries and products for pets, but are not always very careful. Sometimes mistakes by buying canned food and think it's the same meat. Feeding your pet with you that every day the food is not a good idea because they contain toxins and preservatives that can harm their pets can. Some of them are also dangerous for the owners. So if you decide to buy food for your pet, be very careful and avoid those with organophosphate pesticides (OPS). The seven operating rooms, which should be avoided are: hlorpyrifos, dichlorvos, tetrachlorvinphos, malathion, diazinon, phosmet and naled.

The ideal food for a pet is homemade and purchased several vitamins from a pet supply store. But in many cases the owners do not have time to prepare food themselves. Fortunately, there are several alternatives, such as ready-to-eat freeze-dried or frozen raw materials or foodstuffs. Animals such as raw food. These foods are complementary and can be a good substitute if you can not feed your dog with a bone, for example. They can also be found at any food store for pets, there is a double advantage: they are nutritious and easy to buy.

We pay particular attention to the type of pet supply store where you buy food. Store pet food in a good area to provide better food and risks of these foods as outdated or invalid are considerably reduced. Of great importance is the producer of these foods. Some of them may seem a bit 'expensive, but in most cases they are better than cheaper products. Made from natural products (eg, chicken raised without hormones and steroids) and contain important vitamins, fats, minerals and fatty acids, these products are for the health of your pet is important. The support offered by the staff of your pet food is also very important to decide what kind of food is suitable for your pet.

If you are not satisfied with what you found in different stores, or simply do not find the time, the Internet is a very good alternative. You may debate the best food and the best products for pets and know that everything can be readily available for research at your fingertips. purchase online for your pet is easy. All you need to know is what kind of food you want and then start filling your cart. If you are not sure what kind of pet food or other products are good, just use an Internet search engine and type in "animal products" and a list of sites that offer products PET data. They will help you most suited for food and other important information about the health of your pet.

Online shopping for your pet is not limited to food. It also gives you the chance to find other pet products. This type of shopping gives access to online forums with veterinary and food experts. This type of purchase is for those who prefer a home with their children or their pets, as in a supply of live animals. The only drawback to shopping online is that you can not see the products of their eyes, until delivery. In some cases, we may be disappointed by PET products delivered. In a pet store, the products can be seen and not expected surprises. If, however, a surprise in a "live" may appear to save, will not be able to immediately and there to see. The past will certainly affect the products your pet. Therefore, online shops are of better quality.

Delivery is also very important when shopping online. If purchased in the region, the products are delivered immediately and save time and looking for bargains. Research is much easier because it was done in the comfort of your own home. But if the animal is ordered to another area, it may take some time before being delivered. Then there's the cost issue, which is more convenient if the pet products are purchased from a pet supply store. However, shopping online saves time and many headaches.

In many stores, especially via the Internet, there are a variety of special offers for PET products. Although attractive, the owner must be very careful if you want a large amount of food or other pet products you want to buy. The expiration date has a special attention. You should also check if the products are OPs free in case of some pet products,  some products such as leashes, you must ensure that they are not dangerous for your pet and other members of the family.

If you choose to buy for your pet to be sure you can find hundreds of products in PET, and various tips for pet owners. There are a variety of information. PET images with products that make the design have a very user-friendly online a pleasure. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can always search engines on the Internet and see something for the perfect products for pets. Eventually you will find exactly what you want.

If you do not know what the best products for animals are or what to choose Pet Supply Store, do not worry! You've found the right place to start looking.

Here are some pet supply stores that you shouldn't miss :

Got the perfect pet? We have the perfect petsitter
7 Things Should Know About Cat

*** 1) Life - They said, give a cat for three years for each year of the man, and you have an idea of how old, compared to us. Not at all. A cat in a year, playing and fully capable of taking care of themselves. A man is powerless to three years. The mathematical formula for understanding the "true age of an animal does not work because their internal and external developments to be different and does not correspond to human development.

But did you know that to increase the lifespan of cats, a dozen years or decades ago, seems to eighteen or more, and it seems that now not uncommon for cats to live in Their twenties? Little progress that medicine cat, but it seems that GM and to live a better quality of life and some cats, a contribution is much older. Many cats in Southern California were reported to live the time of thirty to thirty years.

*** 2) Independent & Lonely - I think both cats are solitary creatures, but if you gather on a farm where there are cats in the colonies, sometimes briefly attended all twenty in number and seem to still hunting. There is little fighting because it is always a dominant cat to accept all others, remains the same. At least until you get a new cat and the domain will be restored.

If you are inside / outside cat, like me, you can find without any doubt, ask them out, but he has the door of her pussy. Mine is not every day, usually at night. Go to the door, open it and work on the wall, hastily, awaiting the opening next door, though both have cat doors. If I brought in the garden with him, seems happy, rolling on the stones, looking at me. I think it would love a hunting companion. (Preferably, I believe that one a bit 'quieter and more discreet than me.)

*** 3) Cats can not be trained - the training is entirely possible, and probably all television output cats trained to see a rope walk, a ball and even diving. We have this kind of business in a sensational and I think those who are not our own cats recyclable. Depending on the breed and particularly cats, are probably all somewhat trained and are certainly able to train with us!

Parthian Moyes in his book "How to Talk to Your Cat, tells how one of their cats and have a game, the object to remove precarious perch for a few - say, on top of a chair and an object, without worry, everything is round without hitting the paper on the floor. The cat made with care and attention and success. His other cat, and she says, makes the game easy to understand, "the independent thing and also retrieve the object, but the most awkward , hits the ground.

Ms. Moyes speaks of two other games that they and their cats, and try to carry and hide. In the first, the person is an aluminum sphere (or what-cast) and the cat, that is, the person was standing. The second said he invented his cat. They (the cat) is to bring the ball of aluminum foil may be covered, then leave the room. Ms. Moyes fade, just call her cat, which begin to explore the excitement is all hidden, find, recover and leave the room. Note that Mrs. Moyes has created and maintains an unusual attitude and a close and respectful to their cats. Most likely the parents, and many pet owners, yes, they found that the more you have of your dog (or child) can anticipate, plus you can leave your pet or child.

My cat has its own less spectacular, but good example. A stray dog took about 8 months which first caused some concern to do with the trend, "nails on the furniture., Ho bang your foot down and tell him, and had no grip. Now I just need to tell no uncertain terms to stop, and he does. He does it only when he wants something, and I'm not careful.

In reality it is an opportunity to drive a cat to get your attention and you know who needs something - does what it knows it can not do. My cat knows that is not allowed on the kitchen table, for example, but when his bowl is empty for too long, he jumps on the table, and I know that now wants to eat.

This is an Egyptian papyrus of Dynasty XX shows a dog that walks on its hind legs, bringing a group of goats. In the same table, there is a cat walking on its hind legs, carrying a team, Herding ducks. The photo shows the dog and the cat on its hind legs to transport personnel, probably indicating that it controls. They showed their four-legged, the other could not demonstrate the Implementation of an agent and two, they seem to be the same goats and ducks, not support. I think once before the dark days of the death camp for cats and cat were trained employees, and I expect they were very receptive to this arrangement.

*** 4) Aside - When the terrible story for the family of cats suffer at the hands of the people, again and again throughout Europe and even in America, it is not surprising that the cat has been returned. Associated with witches, Satan and evil as a breed, the cats have been betrayed, condemned, tortured and killed several times by thousands and tens of thousands. Those who passed the pogroms their genes to descendants have survived, and survival of the human sense of caution. However, every cat owner knows a cat really can be fixed, and as I am sincerely grateful for the love and care for them.

*** 5) Cats & Music - began playing an instrument a little soft, suitable for folk music as a guitar and a dog to leave the room. A cat, on the other side could come together, determine the role of you, purr and seem to appreciate very sound. My previous cat was my biggest fan, especially my finger picking fairly expensive.

My current cat, he likes to play guitar, but the profound joy also evident when comparing hold and play the harp on the strings. I can not describe his state of ecstasy, as if all sounds simple washing bit 'with him the pleasure almost unbearable. Many composers throughout history tell the same story.

The famous harpist, Miss Dubuy noticed that her cat purrs nicely when a piece of his harp, but also cried when they played less. They used these phenomena to improve their skills. Realization of what she owed its success as a harpist, her cat demanding, who left his legacy and provide substantial value as true friends, his cat has been well maintained.

There is a video on YouTube of a cat playing the piano. She is well aware of beeps, totally immersed in the phenomena. When his beloved Bach played on the other cat stops and listens with evident satisfaction. It is everything, as if this cat, in fact, all cats love good music and wants in this YouTube video for musicality.

*** 6) Movement - We all know how cats are agile and flexible - through a variety of factors. Contrary to humans, they have kept the vertebrae of the spine held together by ligaments, with her cat by force, ranging from big cat movement. Due to the construction of the shoulder, can turn its foreleg in almost any direction.

But have you noticed, probably without thinking about the fact that there is something funny, something remarkable in the manner of a cat?

Unlike almost all other mammals, the advance by moving the front leg on one side of the body and backward, pushing the line of cat and hind legs on the same page. Thus, front left, for example, pause, back left, front right, rear break. The only mammals, said that it is the camel and the giraffe - and both are fun to sail.

*** 7) Food, Water & Health - very good dry food for cats. This is a questionable assertion that many officials simply false. Cats need meat. Do not have a biological capacity to do so under a variety of objects from a variety of non-food products, meat, and the construction of proteins needed, people and dogs. And most of the content of dry food, that is, carbohydrates are not only natural foods for cats are totally unnecessary and potentially harmful. Meat, in any form, including canned food is the need for cats, not only for proteins but also for water.

Cats do not like any cat owner probably controlled the urge to drink. Their natural prey is their main source of water. Private not wet cat food can easily and too often do not develop kidney disease drying.

No matter if your cat eats dry food or wet, or both, fresh water must always be made available. Many cat owners have observed that the cat to drink more water if the pot is not near his food bowl, which makes sense, as in nature, animals, fetching water, are independent of their search food. Moreover, the animals clean, so you can not "feel" as hygiene, food odors and are near their water source.

You may also want to avoid plastic bowls for food and water. Plastic tends to scratch and develop nicks and scratches from harmful bacteria. Some cats are allergic to plastic and skin diseases develop on the chin, when food and water in plastic bowls.

But the water runs deep - but still not good for a cat. Almost all cat owners have noticed that their cats to the tongue under the faucet or even increase their mouths covered love to travel. My cat used to having his head put on a drip in the tub and let the water run until his tongue, staring at us - the pool was, that is. Many cats drink water from any other form of stagnant water.

Some people, including some veterinarians believe it is a molecular difference in water movement. Some think that is the vision of water movement, or sound. Whatever the reason (and to think about what a big problem, when these contributions on the Internet, are all measures that is a little 'surprising that the reasons for this do not know better), the cats prefer moving water .

This has generated a whole industry of cat and almost all of plastic, but there are several sources of ceramic cat bowls and a cat fountain. If one of the wells of plastic or a cat or a cat bowl ceramic fountain, all equally easy to take care completed and give a thorough cleaning on a regular basis.

Apr 12, 2010

The Good Points of Buying Pet Supplies Online

Many families across the country have at least one pet. Whatever type of pet is the pet in any way a family member. There are families who take care of their pets pampered with gifts or extra supply of PET for pets. Pet owners have a number of options when it comes to buying pet supplies.

Perhaps the most common way that the owner of a purchase of pet supplies for their family by visiting their store for pets. Most cities in America have a pet store and even large cities can be home to a number of pet shops. One of the reasons why pet stores are so popular because a shopper's paradise can physically examine each item before you buy. This gives many pet owners the opportunity to improve the quality of an item before studying in their home.

While pet stores showcase is a place to buy supplies for pets, there is another option that may be more convenient for many pet owners. Online stores for pets are similar showing the places, but they should not leave the house. There are millions of Americans who are currently buying their pet to the Internet and there is absolutely no reason they should not be, Because buying online Pet Supplies unlimited benefits.

As already searching online shoppers to buy supplies for pets not listed leave their homes when they shop at an online store pet. Shop Pet Supplies Online is all comfort. Pet owners can buy the supplies needed for pets at all in minutes. This option is very convenient for pet owners or families who have no chance to save time on a regular basis a pet.

In addition to convenience, online shopping for pet supplies can also be pet owners money. America has recently experienced a major problem for the rise in gasoline prices. Many buyers find it too expensive to drive store for pets. This is a particular problem in rural areas, where many farmers are. Many cities have to save a pet, but not all cities. This may mean that the owner of an animal to live in a rural area might be a half hour or more to Their local pet store, which could cost a decent amount of money in gasoline.

Online shoppers are shipping to the pet industry who pay for purchases. These costs may be lower than the cost of gas for a trip to a pet shop. There are many buyers who were able to find online pet stores, pet shipping or discounted shipping offer on all their pet supplies. This is the pet online shopping provides more favorable.

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits for the purchase of pet products online is the selection of products. Most shops are on the amount of space that the amount of product that can bring the boundaries is limited. Online stores for pets are not the same problem, because they are not physically see all the supply of PET selling their products. Most pet owners is easier to buy supplies of PET online to find it particularly difficult to find products.

Of course, pet owners can shop wherever they want, but pet owners are required to give at least a little online shopping a try. The selection of pet supplies that can be purchased online for a small fee is incredible, and you complete these items can be delivered to your door.

Apr 11, 2010

Secret Tips to Choose Safe, Healthy Food for Pets 
(Part Two)

Tip # 4 ...
I had other suggestions to the list of ingredients ... Look for chemical preservatives. A large well-kept secret in food for animals is their common use of chemical preservatives. BHA / BHT are chemical preservatives in foods for pets People and Science has used for tumors and cancer. Another common preservative is ethoxyquin known cancer risk. Ethoxyquin is only allowed in food in some spices in view of the action very low. However, it is much higher in animal feed.

If you scan the list of ingredients, you will be directed to BHA / BHT and ethoxyquin listed anywhere. Often BHA / BHT is used to keep the fat in foods is generally higher in the list. And look for each of these chemicals by the end of the list of ingredients. Personally, I would not touch a pet food containing such chemical preservatives. You want a pet food is naturally preserved - common natural preservatives are "natural mixed tocopherols" and "vitamin E".

Tip # 5 ...
The best food for your pet care is a well-made food with human grade ingredients. It should be fairly easy ... How are you? You already know that the pet food manufacturers are allowed a statement on the quality of ingredients or simply the only way to know, call the class or quality of food for your pet and ask the manufacturer is.

Well, let's say you call the ABC feed and the question is "made from your premium cat and dog food with human quality ingredients?" Could it be that you get the answer Yes, we use human quality ingredients - if it is really only a few ingredients are human grade. The trick is to ask ... ask them if they are APHIS European certified.

Animal feed producers are APHIS European certification ensures that all ingredients in pet food is a measure of man. APHIS - Animal Plant Health Inspection Services - a division of USDA. APHIS European certification, a manufacturer of pet foods for its food / ship comes to Europe. For the importation of feed from the United States, European countries require that all ingredients, human contact, and therefore require such certification. Most manufacturers of pet foods that APHIS European certification to ship their products in Europe - are just that, as a tool for their clients to ensure the superior quality of its ingredients.

Again, I do not see the label - is not allowed. You need the manufacturer and ask. Often, representatives of the pet food companies do not even know what you do when asked about the APHIS certification - when talking about the case, you might think they are APHIS European certified. APHIS European certification is a bonus for owners of domestic animals - is neither necessary nor even suggested that every manufacturer of pet food to go through extra steps to receive them. It 'an effort by the pet food to their customers, they really tell the quality of their products. Personally, I would not buy a pet food that does not.

And by the way, if you can not reach the producer of pet food, or return the call within a short period of time, lose their number! Any company that has not been a priority to respond to customer issues - do not deserve your trust!

Tip # 6 ...
Minerals are necessary ingredients in food and nutrition for our pets. Copper, iron and zinc minerals are commonly found in animal feed. As they are - copper, iron and zinc, are basically rocks used to be very difficult for a person or a dog. Science has several options for minerals in the body (human or animal) to introduce to improve the absorption and thus developed the world much more. This scientific development is called chelation or proteinating and has been for years. Or by chelating minerals proteinating process are approximately 60% more than the mineral alone absorbed.

This mystery is the discovery of minerals in the diet to see whether or chelating proteinated. Note minerals on the road to pet food label list of ingredients. These minerals are looking for "Reading copper or copper proteinate chelate. If you look for the mineral, your pet is a bit 'like Charlie Brown to say about Halloween:" J have received a "Rock. If the dog have the best chelated minerals proteinated will or part of the best food!

Tip # 7 ...
The secret is called "good bacteria". Although bacteria "friends" sounds a little 'fear, the reason is your pet's intestinal system. Most of your pets immune system found in the intestine. Keeping the immune system, helps maintain good health, animal health itself. This friendly bacteria is similar to what is found in yogurt, but in a pet food is made so as not to destroy the cooking process. Looking at the fine print on the labels of pet foods, this time you are looking for long-term science such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium thermophilum. If you do not see these words or some very similar to that of pet food are not involved in the care of your pets immune system. Yet if you want your pet are the best, you want "good bacteria" in their diet.

There are seven secrets to help you really, absolutely healthy and find the best food for your furry friend. Armed with these secrets - you now have the knowledge to find your pet the best food possible! A pet food that may prolong life and prevent premature aging and disease. If you do not want the trouble of doing homework question, I invite you to my monthly Petsumer Report (TM) Newsletter. With Petsumer Report (TM) did all the tasks for you - check every month and more than 40 different animal feed, care, toys and other pet products. And 'the only publication of its "Art gives farmers the information they need to know, you can buy their product based on PET.

I want to communicate only a couple of things ...

It 's best to feed a dog or an adult cat two meals a day. The food they consume, with two meals is better than having one meal a day used. If you currently have your pet a meal a day, divided by the same amount in both food and feed in the AM and PM.

You should know all boxes of moist feed or somewhere between 70% and 85% humidity. This means that 70% to 85% or the bag is useless diet - water. Certainly, our pets need water to drink especially cats tend not enough water. But since all canned or moist especially water, do not provide enough food to feed strictly canned food or moist. Use the wet product to complete your pet or a tin can - not as a unique food.

The best are of course the pet food (canned Secret # 4) - but there is a problem with the natural food for animals ... Cool. Note that you took the expiry date of your pet food label - usually with natural dry food for pets (not so much a problem with the soft food because of the canning factory - they need very little preservatives) Date expiration of one year to 18 months. Suppose that the pet food company that intends to purchase 1 July 2007, a "Best if used by" date of 1 January 2008. This will tell you that this particular bag of pet food is already 6 months old. Although there are still "good" of a food cooler - a bag, which is only 2 or 3 months - is better. Sure, get pet food food to lose its power over time. Always try to find a bag fresh.

If you intend to change your pets food, always consult your veterinarian. You should always consult your veterinarian of any changes to your pet. Do not take risks. And when you change the pet food, make the change very slowly. I always recommend ¼ new food to pet owners to ¾ old food for 4 to 7 days for
another ½ to 4 ½ to 7 days, and so on. Switching quickly foods that cause intestinal disease! His short term, but do not want a bowel disease?

One last thing, as you know dogs and cats have a much better sense of smell than humans. Their food dish, a variety of smells - both good and evil. Several times an animal will not eat, simply because he or she feels a precedent in his bowl. Plastic bowls of food and water to keep the smell worse. How it works surprisingly stainless steel bowls. The best dish of food and water to make pottery. Continue less odors.

"Animals are my friends so beautiful - that without question, not a criticism." George Eliot.

I totally agree!

Apr 10, 2010

Secret Tips to Choose Safe, Healthy Food for Pets 
(Part One)

Do you have canned food or dry? Which brand? There are so many different brands, all shapes and sizes of pet food and pet owners are confusing to choose with very little information to make decisions based on (with the exception of advertising) - it is! Now, loop, loop, depending on what you know the pet food industry, this could be a bumpy ride! There are seven secrets - guarded the secrets of training - food for pets. Sit down, brace yourself and read on.

Beneful is called "Premium Dog Food for a Happy, Healthy Dog sold for about $ 18.00 for a 31 kg bag of Science Diet" promises "a balanced diet with precision through continuous research and higher quality food Note from your Vets warranty and sells for about $ 21.00 for only 20 € bag. Then there are a lot of pet food, the same statement - "to make luxury dog food, more - only $ 30.00 or more to sell for £ 20 a bag. And the same goes for owners of cats ... Whiskas, who says: "Everything we do is about cats, too," or one of those awards that cat food, the same expectations of a happy, healthy cat, but costs
3 times more expensive?

Now, with the withdrawal of pet food, pet owners of current issues such as "This food has been recalled?" Or "Food is the next to remember ?'...' is safe for my pet? "Wow is not easy! And scary! A pet owner do? How to learn a secret! Equipped with the knowledge of some secret in the pet food company, is almost as confusing.

Tip # 1 ...
All pets, the use of words such as selection and award, even if using only a few of them or of the highest quality ingredients in their food. The secret is that, under the rules of pet food, pet food can not all claims or references to the label or advertisement for the quality of ingredients or simply. You see, the word "premium" if it means that the pet food is closely linked to the premium food ingredients. With the pet food, the prize is not (can not) describe the food can not (he) describe the quality of food. This is just a marketing term. rules to the feed industry and regulations, "There is no evidence of ingredients or quality (Regulation PF5 D 3). Words are like premiums Sun, or choice, or simply the marketing of quality or conditions of sale. They should not be considered as terms to describe the quality of the food must be interpreted.

Well, why not host a labeling of foods for pets to tell a potential customer of the quality of their ingredients? If the owner has no right to know what to buy?
This brings me to another secret ...

Tip # 2 ...
If I compare the "people" food Pet food for one second, we all know, there are different kinds of people food. It 's the Chateau Blanc (here, I am guilty, I love
the little guy!) And there is Outback Steak House (another favorite). Both restaurants serve the meat and potatoes. A White Castle for less than $ 3.00 you get a couple of hamburgers and an order of chips. During his stay in the Outback, you can get a steak and baked potatoes for about $ 16.00. Both are meat and potatoes - but you already know that there are huge differences between a nutritional fast food burgers and a steak ... right?

The problem in pet food - is that most pet owners do not think in those terms when it comes to food. You're not in the sense of wanting to keep certain types of fast food for pets, and sit down restaurant, there are types of pet food nutrition. In fact, some years ago a young man tried, although this experience with his own diet - no eating fast food, but for 30 days. In a few months of eating fast food three meals a day, has become much weight, blood pressure and cholesterol sky-shot. Now imagine that your pet eats food as his "whole life.

OK, so back to our two meals ... chemical analysis was compared with your meal at White Castle in a chemical analysis of your meal at the Outback - the two were analyzed with a proportion of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Whether you are a steak at Outback consider better quality protein than the burger - would still be analyzed like proteins. The analysis does not measure the quality of the protein.

Here's the secret ... All pets with a guaranteed analysis showing the percentage of protein, fat, fiber and moisture in contact with food. The real secret lies in the quality of the units of proteins, fats, and so on.

In a chemical analysis of pet foods - chicken feet would be to analyze proteins, although seen as very little food. And how well a cow that euthanasia (asleep)
because of an illness that has the bad taste to analyze - such as proteins, although this can be dangerous for human consumption. The two chicken legs of these things - and a cow to sleep - are permitted ingredients and is often used in pet foods. You see the secret of food for pets are the producers have an open door, where they get their ingredients. The only rule difficult to follow, they must be food for adult dogs with 18% protein and an adult were analyzed
for cat food to analyze with 26% protein. acquire sources of these figures are very broad as a "man of quality" meat from chicken legs euthanasia for animals, the proteins of cereals, including proteins and chemicals have become in many variations among people.

Labels feed did not say - are not allowed to speak - the sources they use to get the necessary 18% and 26% protein. And to make matters worse ... optical
quality of feed manufacturers - companies that use 100% human quality ingredients - are not allowed to tell the customer or potential customers that their products are high quality, human grade ingredients.

So how do you know if the animals used for food or crow's feet cows euthanasia or contains ingredients man of quality?

Tip # 3 ...
If the premium and the words chosen basically means nothing in terms of quality of feed, pet food and if some chicken feet and euthanized for animal food - How can a farmer know what they obtained in the diet of their animals?

The great secret lies in the definition of ingredients. Unlike "people" food, you can watch closely to determine the quality of food, pet food is very different. respond to all people "food, including the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) guidelines. The same is not true for pet foods. legged chickens and cows are sacrificed in food for people, for obvious reasons, are welcome - they have no nutritional value, or they can be dangerous to eat. This is not true for pet foods. The only way, if your feet or chicken euthanized cows are aware, in your pet food ingredients which can be used in

The food ingredient company based mixed meat and bones "is not discarded in fact a combination of several acquisitions other than the food industry. The components of meat and bone meal "are sacrificed by the heads of the cow, the stomach and intestine, the (shocking but true) animals such as cows, horses and dogs and cats by veterinarians businesses, animal shelters, and farms. And with these animals feed also contains pentabarbitol euthanasia drug, the sleep of animals. "meat and bone meal 'can also leave a restaurant, fat and sick (cutting, including cancer), the edible tissues of slaughtered animals . In other words, this ingredient is widely used, has left a very mixed and potentially less hazardous to the food industry off.

The meat ingredient in animal feed "product" or "meat by-product meal" is almost the same as "meat and bone meal. This is a poor quality food ingredients Pet literally nobody knows what.

Another ingredient similar to the above is "Animal Digest".

What chicken feet I said before - This article is in the ingredients "chicken byproducts" or "poultry product" or "chicken byproducts meal" or "chicken byproduct meal." Any leftover chicken or poultry division - including but not limited to chicken legs, skin, including some pens, chicken or poultry and envelopes found in these ingredients. Is not worried about the health issue of birds - sick, healthy, dead, dying ... everything is contained in these ingredients.

So here's what you do ... before buying food for pets, turn the bag and carefully examine the list of ingredients. The ingredients mentioned above are listed in the first five ingredients or ten years. If any of these ingredients - is my proposal and not to buy food. Remember - crow's feet and sacrificed animals to be done to analyze how proteins. This is all that is necessary in pet food - the correct analysis.

Another little trick to use some pet food manufacturers in this category is increasing with grains and chemical additives for products of wheat for protein
content. Just because of the recall of pet foods, which began in March 2007 - chemical protein. Two different chemical additives - have no nutritional value for animals, but were analyzed as a protein - a product of wheat (wheat gluten, corn gluten, gluten or rice) has only to provide a cheap protein. Thousands of animals have died and countless others have been hurt because no one would have been counted because of the problem of combining these two chemicals kidney and urinary tract obstruction. Again, the secret of the product with a certain amount of protein is analyzed - no one is required to provide a system of quality management of meat proteins.

While the list of ingredients, including research - you should also consider the number of grains (corn, wheat, rice) and / or the number of grains (corn gluten meal, whole wheat, ground corn, wheat, ground wheat, wheat gluten, rice, brown rice, broken rice, soybean, etc.) are the ingredients in the first five or so called. If you have registered more than a grain in the first five ingredients - say that these pet food is to acquire some of its proteins in cereals.

Why are proteins derived from cereals to know is important to you? Several reasons - the departure of the first scientific evidence that dogs and cats develop an appropriate and necessary for meat protein. When obtaining a protein sources of feed grain, the animal is not always meat, needs to thrive. Secondly, if the grains with gluten, corn gluten, wheat gluten, rice or run the risk of chemicals as melamime be added to use only the analysis of proteins is increased.

Incidentally, melamime is one of the chemicals in the cause of the withdrawal in March 2007, pet food. And there's another problem with grains - aflatoxins. Aflatoxin is a deadly tool that young corn, wheat and soybeans, and is responsible for many other pet food recalls, you've probably never heard of. In December 2005, Diamond Pet Food contained moldy grains, about 100 animals are killed before the product was recalled - all because of aflatoxins.

It 's my recommendation to all pet foods as corn, wheat, soybean and contains a change to avoid. The risk is simply too high.