Feb 27, 2010

Top 10 Watchdog Barking Dogs
1. Rottweiler
A natural guard dog used with great success for the army and the police, the Rottweiler fiercely defend his family. He has an innate desire to protect your home and its owner, and is not subject to indiscriminate friendships. He is always careful, always vigilant and not allow a stranger to approach his domain. Dates back to the Roman Empire, the Rottweiler is a large animal, powerful and imposing. Energetic and easy to train, which excels in Schutzhund and obedience competitions. The Rottweiler requires a lot of attention and the company of men, but is very adaptable and can tolerate living in an apartment or small house. It is quite active at home, but needs regular exercise. He likes to run, swim and play outdoors. Obedience training should start early with the Rottweiler to ensure a happy and well adjusted pet that is not too aggressive. Socialization is necessary to ensure that interacts well with other animals.

2. German Shepherd
The guard dog and pet of a classic favorite, the German Shepherd is the ideal guardian, companion or guard dog. It sticks close to his family and has a strong protective instinct is still patient enough to tolerate children. A breed of dog is more intelligent, the German shepherd is very trainable and is well suited to a variety of disciplines, including Schutzhund, protection or guard training, work with police, search and rescue or as a pet for the disabled. The German Shepherd has a cheerful disposition and love, loyal pet. Loves being with people and can get along with other animals. He is tall and muscular, confident, attentive and ready to favor. With its soft, high-capacity disk and devotion to his family, the German shepherd is consistently cited as one of 10 dogs in the United States level.

3. Scotties
A brave dog eventful career, was dubbed "Little fans." Scottish Terrier tenacity and loyalty to his family makes him an excellent watchdog. The crust is firm to warn the owner of an intruder or a danger, but will do so only when necessary. Scotty is a very brave little dog who is always on alert. He is reserved with strangers and really no interest to anyone outside his family. Scotty makes a good pet at home, but she must have time to run, play and dig. He also liked to hunt small animals. Unwavering in nature, the Scottish Terrier needs of businesses, but gentle training. We must always remember the rules or that will dominate the household. Its feisty independence and character that is easy to forget that Scotty weighs only 15-20 lbs., This leads sometimes to enter into more problems than it can bear.

4. West Highland White Terrier
The "West", as is known, is small in size but big personality. He sees himself as a guard dog bold, courageous. The Westie is very possessive of his home, his property, his master, and their food ... and the aggressive defense of each. The West is strong in nature, constantly alert and bark to warn intruders of its owner. Despite their courage, the West is a friendly dog that thrives on human attention. This is an excellent companion dog and is good with children. He is very intelligent and easily trained, but likes to have time to dig and bark. The West is a very energetic dog, and take a nap between periods of intense physical activity and vigorous. His temperament makes him a dog suitable for people of all ages and adapts to almost every situation of life.

5. Miniature Schnauzer
The most popular breed of dog 10 in the United States, the miniature schnauzer is a good watchdog and an excellent Mouser. He is very vocal - in fact, Miniature Schnauzer are known for their barking. Beware of strangers, he makes an excellent guard dog and courageous defense of his home. Energetic, cheerful and playful, the Miniature Schnauzer loves children and thrives on attention. Indeed, without the love and attention from its owner, the Miniature Schnauzer become depressed to the point that affects your overall health. It 'a very faithful animal, who has much love for his family. The Miniature Schnauzer has a stiff hair, which does not download, making it a great family dog. His great intelligence and enthusiasm to do so please, be easily and their small size makes it easy to maintain in an apartment or a small patio.

6. Yorkshire Terrier
The second race of the most popular dog in the United States, the abbreviation of "Yorkshire" from a lot 'of punch in a compact. It's a dog's best to work the media, curious, with a natural instinct to protect your home and family. He barks at strangers, without hesitation, and he believes the point of creating problems. Their courage in taking over an opponent several times its size. The Yorkie is playful, intelligent and learns quickly. Excels in obedience and agility competitions and can be taught to perform complicated. The Yorkie has also demonstrated the ability to recognize words and collecting toys on special order. It 's easy to maintain and unprofitable. Eager to get into trouble, the Chihuahua can be voluntary, independent and hard training. It takes patience and consistency, but can be a great family pet.

7. Cairn Terrier
Cairn Terrier originated in the Highlands of Scotland in 1500 and is one of the first dogs to work in Scotland. His most notable was when he played Toto in The Wizard of Oz. "Cairn Terrier, however, are stubborn, strong-willed and independent, and normally does not tolerate being carried in a cart. Brave and malicious, the Cairn Terrier seems to be the body of a large dog wrapped in a puppy. He is attentive and faithful to his family and defends its territory fiercely. Also has a strong prey drive and is an excellent hunter. The Cairn Terrier is patient and playful with children, but its independence prevents good lap dog. He is an intelligent dog, very trainable, but intentional. A £ 14. The Cairn Terrier is a dog a good home. In 1917, the American Kennel Club has changed the rules for registration of a Cairn terrier, forcing them to be saved from there, as West Highland White Terrier.

8. Chihuahua
The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world, the name of the region of Mexico, where he was discovered. With a weight of between 2 and 6 pounds. It has no concept of size and behaves as if a big dog. And it irritates fierce, the Chihuahua makes an excellent guard dog, especially for the elderly or those living in an apartment. Is quick to give a boat more menacing as he is able, if you feel an intruder. An animal very loyal, the Chihuahua is a company dedicated he knows very attached to his master - often to the point of jealousy. Makes it an excellent house dog, but they tend to bond with a family member. The Chihuahua is alert and suspicious of strangers did not know. Early socialization is important to make sure that his mind his manners, with all members of the family - both human and animals. Curious and adaptable, the Chihuahua is well adapted to the changing context. Hates to be cold, however, and is best kept as an indoor dog.

9. Airedale Terrier
The "King of Terriers, the Airedale is the largest of all breeds of terrier. It has a high level of skill as a guard dog, and acts as a pet professional, reliable, and protection of the family. Courageous and dedicated to its owner, a dog friendly, but not reduced in the event of a dispute. The Airedale is generally calm and quiet - almost stoic. If barking is for a reason. Information of interest Airedale high that makes it very easy to train. We must be careful, because we get bored with repetition. Once you learn a behavior, which stubbornly finish the workout. His ability to learn and a desire to please makes him a great competitor in obedience, Schutzhund, agility and dog competition. Exercise is very important for the Airedale - that is energetic and likes to play rough. He gets along well with other dogs and loves to be involved in their human family. The Airedale has a sense of humor and need to be with the owner, do not mind being beaten by his dog. This is an entertainment company of loving family, dedicated.

10. Poodle (standard and miniature)
A smarter breed of dog, the dog was bred as a hunting dog in France. He is an expert in obedience, tracking, herding and agility. She is eager to please his master and has a protective nature makes it an excellent watchdog. The poodle is not prone to excessive barking, but to alert their owners if they experience pain. A loving and devoted pet Poodle bonds closely with family and can not be left alone. And 'gentle enough to play with the children and not too demanding when it comes to exercise. Highly adaptable, people-centered, which makes a dog that fits well in a variety of lifestyles and living situations. The poodle can thrive in an apartment, provided they are exercised regularly. Notice, athletic, agile and easy to train, the dog is an animal of great value or a useful working dog.