Feb 16, 2010

10 Resolutions for your pets

These resolutions will help you keep your pet happy, healthy and safe throughout the year.

  • Annual screening is of paramount importance. Do not wait until your pet is terminally ill. This is not only cruel to let your pet suffer needlessly from complications can occur, making the animal during the treatment more expensive. Continue to visit your veterinarian to check invoices, white shirt and professionally as evenly as possible.
  • Have your pet sterilized. Yes, we all know, there was the famous closing line of Bob Barker on The Price is Right, and lost to reduce the population, but you know there are health benefits of many animals? Among them: a decrease of testicular cancer, prostate problems, urinary markinginter dog (or inter-cat) aggression in men, and a decrease in breast cancer, infection of the uterus, cancer of the uterus and ovarian cancer in women. and
  • Vaccinate your pet and make sure it gets to the heart of a worm and drugs regularly at flea markets (though to see flea allergy). Contrary to what your veterinarian, preventive medicine for your pet is the best line of defense. Will prevent deadly diseases and parasites unpleasant.Nutrition and Physical Activity
  • The food should be adapted to the age of the animal and its size. If they are kept on their ideal weight, the animals live longer and healthier life. They are also at low risk of heart disease, joint problems and other health conditions.
  • You need a partner to exercise? Look no further. Some dogs are content with a walk in the neighborhood where one day, while the other additional practice time. Take me to a park at the beach or in your garden, be sure to have fun, too! Oh, and do not forget your other PET. Just because it is a dog that does not mean that it should not exercise.

  • Identification of family life savings. If a tag or a microchip that will be based on your pet and contact the likelihood that your pet should go to help lost once again - especially for dogs and cats.
  • Pet-proof your home. Can, as you know, we have company for everything and more. Keep poisons and other dangerous objects in secure places, preferably in a locked cabinet or in a room that is out of reach of animals.

  • There is nothing worse than a stinky pet. Living room, bathroom in the treatment of routine - brush his coat, and even nails. All these elements will be the envy of the block. And if you have not noticed that the animal happier, in general, they are clean and beautiful.

  • Maintenance is perhaps the most feared animal resolution. Perhaps some or all of the terrible smell of cleanliness. However, the development of habits of proper maintenance (clearing litter, cleaning the cage) the modification of newspaper clippings and a clean and pleasant for your pet. Furthermore, inadequate hygiene to problems of behavior and health.
  • Train your pet and make sure they are socialized with other animals in their pets so as children, and as such may be destructive attention, if not all. Obedience training is exactly what your pet needs to learn good manners. And remember, it's never too late to train an animal.