Feb 11, 2010

6 Basic Signs of a Healthy Dog

After a friendly match, the faithful dog at home is a true joy. But as a dog owner and dog lover, you should know some facts about the health of your dog. Their knowledge of these facts will help you ensure that your dog is still in good shape, because if you know what may be a sign of health in a dog can be very easy to take note of deviation from this and take precautions before the problem seriously diminishes.

Here are some simple tips for all dog lovers.

#1. Typically, the nose of a dog is always moist and cool. If you find that it is hot and dry, then the sign of the problem. The most common cause is
dehydration. Give him enough drinking water. But do not give much water at once. Preferably, a mixture of electrolytes suitable for dogs with water.

Dehydration is particularly common during the hot months of summer, when the dog spends much time outdoors. However, dryness of the nose may be due to reasons other than just dehydration, in which case you should consult your veterinarian.

#2. Body temperature is a very good indicator of normal health. The temperature of the body of a healthy dog is about 101 degrees Fahrenheit. May take up to 102 degrees Fahrenheit. But if the temperature deviates from this area, please consult your veterinarian.

#3. Another simple check is your skin condition of dogs. The skin of a healthy dog is clean and free from dandruff and crusts, pink skin color white. Healthy skin has good elasticity. When trapped or skin must be pulled back to its original position quickly.

#4. Inside the ear should be light colored and free from infection. Deep redness or shows like earwax assist the veterinarian must be consulted.

#5. Like humans, dogs eyes says a lot, if you can read. The eyes of a dog's good health is clear and alert. If, however, found an expression of pain and discomfort or eye membranes are deep red color, instead of healthy pink, there is anger.

#6. The teeth of a healthy dog is clean and free of Tarter. Dent Dirty, loose or infected, the condition and should be a concern.

From each of these funds is not a complete list of things that need to be aware of the health of the dog. But one can easily verify (for each test without a veterinarian) and contribute the most frequent complaints easily identified.