Feb 27, 2010

Top 10 Watchdog Barking Dogs
1. Rottweiler
A natural guard dog used with great success for the army and the police, the Rottweiler fiercely defend his family. He has an innate desire to protect your home and its owner, and is not subject to indiscriminate friendships. He is always careful, always vigilant and not allow a stranger to approach his domain. Dates back to the Roman Empire, the Rottweiler is a large animal, powerful and imposing. Energetic and easy to train, which excels in Schutzhund and obedience competitions. The Rottweiler requires a lot of attention and the company of men, but is very adaptable and can tolerate living in an apartment or small house. It is quite active at home, but needs regular exercise. He likes to run, swim and play outdoors. Obedience training should start early with the Rottweiler to ensure a happy and well adjusted pet that is not too aggressive. Socialization is necessary to ensure that interacts well with other animals.

2. German Shepherd
The guard dog and pet of a classic favorite, the German Shepherd is the ideal guardian, companion or guard dog. It sticks close to his family and has a strong protective instinct is still patient enough to tolerate children. A breed of dog is more intelligent, the German shepherd is very trainable and is well suited to a variety of disciplines, including Schutzhund, protection or guard training, work with police, search and rescue or as a pet for the disabled. The German Shepherd has a cheerful disposition and love, loyal pet. Loves being with people and can get along with other animals. He is tall and muscular, confident, attentive and ready to favor. With its soft, high-capacity disk and devotion to his family, the German shepherd is consistently cited as one of 10 dogs in the United States level.

3. Scotties
A brave dog eventful career, was dubbed "Little fans." Scottish Terrier tenacity and loyalty to his family makes him an excellent watchdog. The crust is firm to warn the owner of an intruder or a danger, but will do so only when necessary. Scotty is a very brave little dog who is always on alert. He is reserved with strangers and really no interest to anyone outside his family. Scotty makes a good pet at home, but she must have time to run, play and dig. He also liked to hunt small animals. Unwavering in nature, the Scottish Terrier needs of businesses, but gentle training. We must always remember the rules or that will dominate the household. Its feisty independence and character that is easy to forget that Scotty weighs only 15-20 lbs., This leads sometimes to enter into more problems than it can bear.

4. West Highland White Terrier
The "West", as is known, is small in size but big personality. He sees himself as a guard dog bold, courageous. The Westie is very possessive of his home, his property, his master, and their food ... and the aggressive defense of each. The West is strong in nature, constantly alert and bark to warn intruders of its owner. Despite their courage, the West is a friendly dog that thrives on human attention. This is an excellent companion dog and is good with children. He is very intelligent and easily trained, but likes to have time to dig and bark. The West is a very energetic dog, and take a nap between periods of intense physical activity and vigorous. His temperament makes him a dog suitable for people of all ages and adapts to almost every situation of life.

5. Miniature Schnauzer
The most popular breed of dog 10 in the United States, the miniature schnauzer is a good watchdog and an excellent Mouser. He is very vocal - in fact, Miniature Schnauzer are known for their barking. Beware of strangers, he makes an excellent guard dog and courageous defense of his home. Energetic, cheerful and playful, the Miniature Schnauzer loves children and thrives on attention. Indeed, without the love and attention from its owner, the Miniature Schnauzer become depressed to the point that affects your overall health. It 'a very faithful animal, who has much love for his family. The Miniature Schnauzer has a stiff hair, which does not download, making it a great family dog. His great intelligence and enthusiasm to do so please, be easily and their small size makes it easy to maintain in an apartment or a small patio.

6. Yorkshire Terrier
The second race of the most popular dog in the United States, the abbreviation of "Yorkshire" from a lot 'of punch in a compact. It's a dog's best to work the media, curious, with a natural instinct to protect your home and family. He barks at strangers, without hesitation, and he believes the point of creating problems. Their courage in taking over an opponent several times its size. The Yorkie is playful, intelligent and learns quickly. Excels in obedience and agility competitions and can be taught to perform complicated. The Yorkie has also demonstrated the ability to recognize words and collecting toys on special order. It 's easy to maintain and unprofitable. Eager to get into trouble, the Chihuahua can be voluntary, independent and hard training. It takes patience and consistency, but can be a great family pet.

7. Cairn Terrier
Cairn Terrier originated in the Highlands of Scotland in 1500 and is one of the first dogs to work in Scotland. His most notable was when he played Toto in The Wizard of Oz. "Cairn Terrier, however, are stubborn, strong-willed and independent, and normally does not tolerate being carried in a cart. Brave and malicious, the Cairn Terrier seems to be the body of a large dog wrapped in a puppy. He is attentive and faithful to his family and defends its territory fiercely. Also has a strong prey drive and is an excellent hunter. The Cairn Terrier is patient and playful with children, but its independence prevents good lap dog. He is an intelligent dog, very trainable, but intentional. A £ 14. The Cairn Terrier is a dog a good home. In 1917, the American Kennel Club has changed the rules for registration of a Cairn terrier, forcing them to be saved from there, as West Highland White Terrier.

8. Chihuahua
The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world, the name of the region of Mexico, where he was discovered. With a weight of between 2 and 6 pounds. It has no concept of size and behaves as if a big dog. And it irritates fierce, the Chihuahua makes an excellent guard dog, especially for the elderly or those living in an apartment. Is quick to give a boat more menacing as he is able, if you feel an intruder. An animal very loyal, the Chihuahua is a company dedicated he knows very attached to his master - often to the point of jealousy. Makes it an excellent house dog, but they tend to bond with a family member. The Chihuahua is alert and suspicious of strangers did not know. Early socialization is important to make sure that his mind his manners, with all members of the family - both human and animals. Curious and adaptable, the Chihuahua is well adapted to the changing context. Hates to be cold, however, and is best kept as an indoor dog.

9. Airedale Terrier
The "King of Terriers, the Airedale is the largest of all breeds of terrier. It has a high level of skill as a guard dog, and acts as a pet professional, reliable, and protection of the family. Courageous and dedicated to its owner, a dog friendly, but not reduced in the event of a dispute. The Airedale is generally calm and quiet - almost stoic. If barking is for a reason. Information of interest Airedale high that makes it very easy to train. We must be careful, because we get bored with repetition. Once you learn a behavior, which stubbornly finish the workout. His ability to learn and a desire to please makes him a great competitor in obedience, Schutzhund, agility and dog competition. Exercise is very important for the Airedale - that is energetic and likes to play rough. He gets along well with other dogs and loves to be involved in their human family. The Airedale has a sense of humor and need to be with the owner, do not mind being beaten by his dog. This is an entertainment company of loving family, dedicated.

10. Poodle (standard and miniature)
A smarter breed of dog, the dog was bred as a hunting dog in France. He is an expert in obedience, tracking, herding and agility. She is eager to please his master and has a protective nature makes it an excellent watchdog. The poodle is not prone to excessive barking, but to alert their owners if they experience pain. A loving and devoted pet Poodle bonds closely with family and can not be left alone. And 'gentle enough to play with the children and not too demanding when it comes to exercise. Highly adaptable, people-centered, which makes a dog that fits well in a variety of lifestyles and living situations. The poodle can thrive in an apartment, provided they are exercised regularly. Notice, athletic, agile and easy to train, the dog is an animal of great value or a useful working dog.

Feb 24, 2010

5 Easy Steps to Train Your Dog on a Leash

The dogs have enthusiasm for good, if you and your pet are playing in a field of research, but a potential danger to walk from a busy sidewalk. An animal has a number of unrelated risks: It could go to strangers, engaging in fights with other dogs or running traffic coming the other way. So leash training is so essential. Leash training should begin as soon as you arrive at your dog, regardless of their age. In fact, in many areas, leashes are required by law.

### Expert advice
Wayne Hunthausen animal behaviorist, DVM, and coauthor with Gary Landsberg and Lowell Ackerman Handbook of behavioral problems of dogs and cats (Butterworth Heinemann, 1997), offers these tips to start training your dog on a leash.

    * Be patient. Dogs, like people, learn at different paces. Some dogs may take weeks or months of patient training before learning to heel completely to the end.
    * Young people often have good dogs to wear a collar and lead, though temperament and energy level can influence the way in which to learn quickly.
    * Certain breeds such as Beagles and Dachshunds, often require more intense training because they get distracted easily. This does not mean that a dog is less intelligent, if not to walk in silence with their owner, after a week of training but can require a long learning period.
    * Older dogs may take a little 'more to get used to a collar and leash, especially if they have received training before the belt.

### 5 Easy Steps to Train Your Dog on a Leash
    * Start by inserting the collar and leash your dog while eating, allowing the strap to hang him. This allows your dog to associate the leash with something pleasant (food) and help them to have a collar around the neck.
    * After two or three days, takes the leash in hand and follow her home for a few minutes after eating. Do it for longer periods of time, until the dog is used in both the left and has to walk with him.
    * Then go out and let your dog drag a leash around sometimes take the leash and follow him. Provide treatment, while showing the leash.
    * On the way, to keep the strap in your right hand and coax your dog along the left side by holding a treat in your left hand. When walking, repeating the phrase "Let's go!" Praise your dog when he does well.
    * If your dog starts to pull forward, turn right and go in another direction, the leaves pull the head to one side so you'll have to hurry to catch up. Repeat this exercise until the dog learns that if you want to walk beside you and get your praise, you have to stay with him.

### More Leash Training Tips
Make sure your dog's leash is too long. Four to six feet is ideal, said Dr. Hunthausen.

    * Taking the training outdoors in an area with few distractions, such as your garden or a peaceful park.
    * If your dog is too excited, a little rubber 'with vigorous game before putting it on tape. A tired dog is a bit 'more careful.
    * Do not yell or hit your dog during training. Patience pays!

### Training right equipment
Using the leash and collar properly can help your training successfully. Most pet stores a selection large enough. Many common types of leashes and collars are listed below.

    * Correa and flat buckle collar. These common leashes are available in leather, nylon and metal chain of various lengths.
    * Strap extensible. A little 'as a fishing rod, this allows you to walk on a leash your pet up to 20 feet ahead while still under its control. Pressing the button takes over. (There is a good choice when the heel of teaching ".)
    * A halter. This unique collar, attached to a leash, to control your dog friendly with a noose around his mouth and a necklace around his neck. Does not restrict the mouth, and is contradicted by the transfer of dividing the forward movement during a swing for the head to the side. This type of lead is especially effective on "hard power" or control of dogs.
    * Choke collars and suggestions. These collars, when attached to the pipe, tightening the control of dogs around the neck or throat with sharp spikes. Crushed and the corrective actions and quick release attentionnot to sedate the dog. Are not for novice handlers and can be dangerous in inexperienced hands. Before using this technique, consult a professional for instructions.

Feb 22, 2010

Although cats are very independent, they still need education and guidance only. Cats have natural instincts that make them act and behave like them, but there's a big difference between the compulsive behavior and bad behavior. Learn to train your cat in the right way, and it is right to avoid having to deal with behavior problems unpleasant. If your cat is urinating on the floor, must be treated immediately.

Cats are very intelligent animals and believe it or not, responds to training. It takes patience and determination of the owner, but the end result is worth it. The most important thing to remember is that the sooner you start to correct the undesirable behavior before your cat will react. Bad cat behavior is allowed to continue for a period of time at the end will take longer to correct. This is particularly true if the problem is with a cat that pees on the floor. If the smell of urine is not removed the floor or carpet, the cat will probably do so only because the smell is there. If the problem persists for a period of time, the flavor will be nearly impossible to remove the plant and the behavior problem will continue.

The first thing to do if your cat is urinating on the floor is to know why. This is especially true if you have had your cat for a while 'and this behavior is a new development. Kittens can "accidents" while learning to use a litter, but if a cat uses a litter usually starts to come quickly to the bathroom to the ground must be studied. Could be that you changed the brand cat litter and your cat is not so. Some cats are not so different in the field, because the smell differently, or be a different story, and it is his way of speaking. This can be avoided by maintaining the same cat litter all the time. However, your cat may be sick and what should be considered first. Cats can develop urinary tract infections that can make the cat very sick, if not corrected quickly, so always give a call to your veterinarian if your cat starts to accidents on the floor or in any case, the acts is not normal for your cat. The veterinarian will probably want to consider whether the cat is ill. Urinary tract infection can be treated and cured with drugs more suitable.

Once all diseases is regulated by a vet, so this is a process of elimination (no pun) to determine what might be caused by this behavior. You recently changed the brand of cat litter? Have you moved to a different location? You bought a new litter and your cat may prefer the old one? Look around, and if there is something new or different, may be the cause. Try to keep the environment constant cat, in disagreement with some changes that could have and urine on the floor could be his way to tell. Another possible cause is a dirty bed. Cats not using the litter box, if not cleaned regularly. I clean my cat's box on a daily basis. This keeps my cat happy and keeps odors in the house.

If your cat is urinating on the floor, is crutial to eliminate the odor on the floor completely. Otherwise, the cat continues to urinate there. You must remove the smell of cat urine immediately. There are fantastic recipes available for making your own cat urine odor remover at home with ingredients you probably already have. Check this out, not only to eliminate the smell but the stains of urine. Click here!

Another excellent product I recommend to eliminate odors and also acts as a deterrent to prevent your cat urinating in areas that have been treated. Click the link for more information. Click here!

If you are looking for a book that focuses on how to prevent your cat to urinate on the floor is available to large! Click here!

Feb 21, 2010

Tips For Choosing Food for Dog

Choosing of dog food can confuse the right to confusion. Due to the large number of companies that offer products and seemingly endless variations, as an adult full price, adult, and the formula of light senior dog. Here are seven tips for selecting dog food.

#1. Corporate Reputation
A faster way to reduce your options is to buy a company that you have heard. Many generic brands you've never heard of, but we often see on supermarket shelves often have less ingredients.

#2. Starting from quality ingredients
This is consistent with the reputation of the company. A company with good reputation in general, made with high quality ingredients in their products.

#3. Primary meat
The first ingredient on the label should be meat. If any type of grain, then find another product. Dog food quality should be higher than 50% of meat, some people say that up to 75% should be meat.

#4. Primary Carbohydrate
Most companies use corn as the primary carbohydrate in their products, because it is cheap and easily available. But the rice is often a better choice because it is much easier to digest for dogs.

#5. Dog Preferences
Might be the best pet food company in the world, but if your dog does not like, no matter how nutritious. Try different brands and see which they prefer.

#6. Dog Life Stage
Try to find a product that is the life stage of your pet. If they are at least a year, baby formula feeding, If they are 5 to 7 years, feed an old dog. There are also products for small breeds and large dogs.

#7. Veterinary Recommendations
When choosing food for dogs, it is always better to talk with your veterinarian. You probably have a good idea that the best options for your pet.

Feb 19, 2010

Healthy Tips for Dogs

There are many health benefits of pet ownership. Lowering blood pressure. They are 8 times more likely to live after a serious illness. They block the chronic pain. The owners are taking less medication, consult the doctor less often and hospital stays are shorter. Some dogs may feel sick and have been trained to take on the matter. I pay attention to my dog when he starts to feel a new area in a family member or friend of another animal.

Animal mask his illness. Why? In the real world is not healthy becomes the prey. If you notice your dog to drink more water, which is an indicator of poor health. If your pet sheds more, softer stool or mucus if you notice a piece again and if the wound does not heal, are indicators of poor health. Make check once a week for animals to be aware of the changes. The temperature of your dog should vary between 100 and 103 degrees and can be easily checked with a thermometer ear. Wash your hands before and after playing with your pet achieve a cleaner lifestyle for both you and your pet.

Collect faeces to control pests. Use traps or live traps that your pet can not go to the poison. I use lock boxes of bait with Tomcat to hold down the rodent control. Tomcat can be found at Menards and Fleetfarm.

Can you feel the ribs of your dog? You can see a side view of a Tummy Tuck? You can see a waist size of a view from above? Remember that love = food. Your dog has no part of it, you did it. A dog weighing not live long and have more health problems. If your dog is to care about food because of boredom, change the routine, add new toys to their environment. There are puzzles food / toys that you can put in your daily diet, instead of putting food on their plates. Your pet can not trace your meal in 30 seconds, but will work for 30 minutes or more to get their food. If you give your dog a pleasure to have done something. Use small pieces of carrots, beans, dried peas and salmon. Feed healthy foods and avoid spam.

If you need to give drugs to your pet, give a treat for your pet, then give a treatment with the drug in the treatment and finishing third with a treatment. If the drug is a liquid that can make a funnel with the back of the mouth of your dog (playing less) and pour the liquid there. If your pet spit the pill in her mouth open. Raise the nose to the pill in the wet, put the pill in the back of the tongue, close mouth (his nose is still closed) and blowing the nose. Give your pet a drink of water. This works well for heartworm tablets.

If a dog will pass through a heat or have a range before being fixed? I do not think that the farmer has no advantages, only disadvantages. Fixing our pet for the time recommended to make your pet healthier, less aggressive and less mobile, less of the disease (cancer), skin problems less and the list goes on. There is less scarring (lift leg) and castrated males with prostate problems.

There are basically 3 times your dog wants to go to the bathroom.

1. When he wakes up.

2. After eating

3. After playing

I like to use a command to my dog to go to the bathroom, be quick to find a job or do business. If you use "toilet phase" of your pet can be a relief

when visitors and family ask their children if they need to go to the bathroom.

Be aware of the change, listen to what your pet and you said you have a great pet.

Minnesota breeder Bichon, Shih Tzu and poodles (toy, cup of tea). Use the grill box or methods in place of the cage traditional kennel.

Feb 18, 2010

How Nutrition Affects Your Dog’s Behavior

A very important aspect in the possession and care of a pet provides the animal with adequate nutrition and adequate food. Having the right kind of diet is a factor in a dog's health and life.

A dog with good health tend to live longer or to increase their life if provided with appropriate nutritional balance of important nutrients such as fat, protein or amino acids and complex carbohydrates and important minerals which are essential for growth and strong immune system.

The behavior of your pet is heavily influenced by the type of food they receive. With adequate food, their mental abilities are better and which is capable of thinking. The dogs are known to be one of the animals with a high level of motivation. When they use their mental capacity to understand their duties, are able to understand and can do the job with renewed vigor. Poor nutrition reduces their concentration and makes them prone to mental weakness.

Furthermore, good nutrition helps to reduce stress levels of dog and also helps to develop a behavior calmer and more peaceful.

When training your pet, always include your diet to improve their behavior. If you eat grains like wheat and corn, which tends to be hyperactive, unfocused and agitated most of the time. To see if the dog food is primarily made up of cereals, immersion in water for thirty minutes. Once inflated, spongy, it is mainly based on cereals.

Proteins are good for increasing your energy and muscle regeneration. However, if their diets lack protein and amino acids that develop aggressive behavior.When choosing your meals, check the nutrition information and find food with high protein content. You can ask your veterinarian for advice about the right foods for your dog.

Stressed the dogs have difficulty digesting food, which can lead to complications in the digestive system, such as diarrhea. To determine this imbalance in your system, control your dog's feces. If it is soft and loose, there's a problem with their digestion and are a factor because it is the food we eat. If this happens, you can also change the diet plan. Try foods that contain probiotics, as it facilitates the digestive system and contains the essential nutrients your pet needs.

Feb 16, 2010

10 Resolutions for your pets

These resolutions will help you keep your pet happy, healthy and safe throughout the year.

  • Annual screening is of paramount importance. Do not wait until your pet is terminally ill. This is not only cruel to let your pet suffer needlessly from complications can occur, making the animal during the treatment more expensive. Continue to visit your veterinarian to check invoices, white shirt and professionally as evenly as possible.
  • Have your pet sterilized. Yes, we all know, there was the famous closing line of Bob Barker on The Price is Right, and lost to reduce the population, but you know there are health benefits of many animals? Among them: a decrease of testicular cancer, prostate problems, urinary markinginter dog (or inter-cat) aggression in men, and a decrease in breast cancer, infection of the uterus, cancer of the uterus and ovarian cancer in women. and
  • Vaccinate your pet and make sure it gets to the heart of a worm and drugs regularly at flea markets (though to see flea allergy). Contrary to what your veterinarian, preventive medicine for your pet is the best line of defense. Will prevent deadly diseases and parasites unpleasant.Nutrition and Physical Activity
  • The food should be adapted to the age of the animal and its size. If they are kept on their ideal weight, the animals live longer and healthier life. They are also at low risk of heart disease, joint problems and other health conditions.
  • You need a partner to exercise? Look no further. Some dogs are content with a walk in the neighborhood where one day, while the other additional practice time. Take me to a park at the beach or in your garden, be sure to have fun, too! Oh, and do not forget your other PET. Just because it is a dog that does not mean that it should not exercise.

  • Identification of family life savings. If a tag or a microchip that will be based on your pet and contact the likelihood that your pet should go to help lost once again - especially for dogs and cats.
  • Pet-proof your home. Can, as you know, we have company for everything and more. Keep poisons and other dangerous objects in secure places, preferably in a locked cabinet or in a room that is out of reach of animals.

  • There is nothing worse than a stinky pet. Living room, bathroom in the treatment of routine - brush his coat, and even nails. All these elements will be the envy of the block. And if you have not noticed that the animal happier, in general, they are clean and beautiful.

  • Maintenance is perhaps the most feared animal resolution. Perhaps some or all of the terrible smell of cleanliness. However, the development of habits of proper maintenance (clearing litter, cleaning the cage) the modification of newspaper clippings and a clean and pleasant for your pet. Furthermore, inadequate hygiene to problems of behavior and health.
  • Train your pet and make sure they are socialized with other animals in their pets so as children, and as such may be destructive attention, if not all. Obedience training is exactly what your pet needs to learn good manners. And remember, it's never too late to train an animal.

Feb 14, 2010

10 Simple Paw Care Tips For Dogs

The feet of your dog is definitely made for walking, but do not know that they exist also for protection? Blocks and extra padding to help protect your dogs' bones and joints against impact, provide insulation against extreme weather events, facilitation of walking on uneven ground and protect the deep tissues in the leg. In particular, what to do, it is not surprising that little dog paws hit a bit 'too often. Keep a spring in the steps of your pet with our top-10 tips on foot care:

    * With Pedicure Care: the claws of your dog only needs to touch the ground when walking. If your dog nails are clicking or get caught on the ground, it is time for a pedicure. Ask your veterinarian or a snow groomer for advice on the types of cut nails are best for your dog and how to start properly.
    * Snip and Trim: Trim the carpet to avoid unpleasant leg hair. Just comb your hair, especially the period between the toes, and slice with platelets.
    * Clean In Between: foreign body in your dog's pads are provided. Check regularly for the fox tail between your dog's toes, pebbles, small pieces of glass and other debris. These unwanted elements can be removed with tweezers in general.
    * Every day, Moisturize, Moisturize: platelets of a dog can be broken and dry. Ask your veterinarian as a ramp for a good moisturizer and use discussed. Avoid moisturizing human hand, as this may soften the pads and cause injury.
    * Deep Paw Massage: Similar to the specification of a hand massage for men, a foot massage will relax your dog and better blood circulation. Start by rubbing between the pads on the bottom of the paw and rub between the fingers. Your dog will always be grateful for the extra TLC!
    * Slowly and Steadily: If you start a new exercise program with your dog, start slowly. The legs may be sensitive or broken into pieces, especially if your dog for walks and runs.
    * First Aid Application: It is not uncommon for dogs cuts or other injuries from accident bulletproof glass, dirt or other objects of suffering. Lesions that are smaller than a half inch in diameter can be washed with antibacterial cleaning and packaged with a light bandage. For deeper paw cuts information, consult your veterinarian for treatment.
    * Sores Summertime: Imagine walking barefoot on the asphalt hot. Ouch! It is important that the legs of your dog remember the extreme heat, too. To avoid burns and blisters, you should not walk your dog on hot asphalt or sand. Signs and symptoms include blisters, flap of loose skin and red patches ulcerated. For minor burns, apply anti-bacterial wash and cover their legs with a loose bandage. For serious burns, consult your veterinarian.
    * Blues in the Winter: the winter is on the skin of all is difficult, even your dog! Cold can cause cracks and fissures. Rock salt and icing chemicals can cause inflammation, infection and blisters. Toxic chemicals can be absorbed by your dog if he licks his paws. Wash outdoor walk, the legs of your dog in warm water, rinse the salt and chemicals. It is recommended petroleum jelly, salt, a major obstacle to the ball before each use to walk or to ensure that your dog assistance dog booties.
    * Practice Prevention: To minimize the risk of injury, keep the house and garden free of bits and pieces sharp. Be aware to avoid hazards such as broken glass and other contaminants, if your dog to walk. And consider this simple tip in mind if you do not want to bare feet, is your dog !

Feb 13, 2010

Foods Your Cat Should Never Eat

Last year there were over 100,000 cases of pet poisoning in the U. S. Many of them are caused by substances that may have at home, substances that may seem perfectly harmless to you. But just because something is safe for people does not mean it will not hurt beloved pets. Some of the most dangerous poisons are cat food and medicines are taken on a daily basis.

Depending on how a particular substance, it affects the body of your cat and how much is ingested or inhaled, symptoms of poisoning may include gastrointestinal problems of society and of neurological, cardiac and respiratory distress, coma and even death.

Watch your food for cats should never eat

1: Medicines for people. Animals have a sensitivity much higher than many common over the counter and prescription medications that can be home.

Some drugs that poison the cats often include:
    * Anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen or naproxen. The most common cause of poisoning pets, these painkillers can cause ulcers in the stomach and intestines and kidneys.
    * The acetaminophen is especially toxic to cats, causing damage of red blood cells. Only two extra-strength tablets can be fatal for cats.
    * Antidepressants can cause vomiting and, in many cases severe serotonin syndrome - a dangerous condition, which increases the temperature, heart rate and blood pressure and cause seizures in May
    * Methylphenidate. This attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD), the drug is a stimulant for domestic animals, increasing heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature.

2: The products of fleas and ticks. Poisoning may occur by ingestion of a topical application or too zealous. Also, some products made in the fight against fleas on dogs can be lethal if used on cats.

3: Foods from people. It is important to ensure that your cat will not eat foods that can cause poisoning pets or upset stomach. The food of your cat are:
    * Chocolate. Experts advise not to chocolate, caffeine, coffee or your cat.
    * Onions, garlic, chives. These plant foods can cause stomach irritation and damage red blood cells.

4: Rat poison and mouse. Rat poison, if ingested, can cause severe symptoms and can be fatal.

5: Drugs for animals. So how can we be sick or dead from drugs to help us, cases of poisoning veterinary medicines for pets are not uncommon. Some problems are most often drug painkillers and deworming.

Feb 11, 2010

6 Basic Signs of a Healthy Dog

After a friendly match, the faithful dog at home is a true joy. But as a dog owner and dog lover, you should know some facts about the health of your dog. Their knowledge of these facts will help you ensure that your dog is still in good shape, because if you know what may be a sign of health in a dog can be very easy to take note of deviation from this and take precautions before the problem seriously diminishes.

Here are some simple tips for all dog lovers.

#1. Typically, the nose of a dog is always moist and cool. If you find that it is hot and dry, then the sign of the problem. The most common cause is
dehydration. Give him enough drinking water. But do not give much water at once. Preferably, a mixture of electrolytes suitable for dogs with water.

Dehydration is particularly common during the hot months of summer, when the dog spends much time outdoors. However, dryness of the nose may be due to reasons other than just dehydration, in which case you should consult your veterinarian.

#2. Body temperature is a very good indicator of normal health. The temperature of the body of a healthy dog is about 101 degrees Fahrenheit. May take up to 102 degrees Fahrenheit. But if the temperature deviates from this area, please consult your veterinarian.

#3. Another simple check is your skin condition of dogs. The skin of a healthy dog is clean and free from dandruff and crusts, pink skin color white. Healthy skin has good elasticity. When trapped or skin must be pulled back to its original position quickly.

#4. Inside the ear should be light colored and free from infection. Deep redness or shows like earwax assist the veterinarian must be consulted.

#5. Like humans, dogs eyes says a lot, if you can read. The eyes of a dog's good health is clear and alert. If, however, found an expression of pain and discomfort or eye membranes are deep red color, instead of healthy pink, there is anger.

#6. The teeth of a healthy dog is clean and free of Tarter. Dent Dirty, loose or infected, the condition and should be a concern.

From each of these funds is not a complete list of things that need to be aware of the health of the dog. But one can easily verify (for each test without a veterinarian) and contribute the most frequent complaints easily identified.

Feb 8, 2010

10 Simple Tips to Care for Your Dog

Your dog depends on you for a safe and happy life. Here are some simple tips to help as easy as possible for both.

#1. Knowing the personality of your dog
There are some cases where opposites attract, not himself. Such is the case when choosing a new dog. Before adding to your family you choose, be sure to study on common characteristics of the breed of the potential of your puppy.

#2. Cracking the Code canine.
If you're like us you love your dog as it is easy to forget that he is not human until he increases his leg and writhing in a little 'funky in the courtyard. Then you have to deal with it: your dog is a very different race (literally). But what's behind these tricks Mad Dog?

#3. Great teach your dog good manners at table
I think it's impossible to have a well trained dog around the table? Think again!

#4. Leaving your friend in good hands
Many people like to travel with their dogs. Unfortunately, sometimes getting your dog with you is simply not possible. Discover what to look for a kennel or pet-sitter, so you can leave your dog with confidence.

#5. Training your dog to bark
Barking is normal behavior and a way of communicating with dogs. But what if your dog always keeps barking in the garden? To understand why barks, the first step to solve the problem.

#6. Lawn alert
Your garden retreat, or with bursts of colorful flowers, the chirping of birds available and sunny, ideal as a spring. But it can be a big bad world for your pet. Everything from lawn chemicals can be dangerous in the fence around the private sanctuary, your dog.

#7. Dogs and Chewing 
Chewing is normal behavior for puppies and dogs. They use their mouths to catch food, the collection of information burden on the environment of boredom and reduce tension. However, it can be evaluated by chewing a big problem when objects are corrupted. What to do and what not.

#8. Leaving Your Dog Home Alone
If you are ready to leave your house, your dog is barking or acting depressed? When you get home, there are holes in the floor or damp stains on the carpet? Your dog can suffer from separation anxiety. Separation anxiety disorder affects almost a feeling of 15 dogs, but you can emphasize your friend when you are on the road to relief.

#9. Pampered Pups
Shows these days, parents around the world use the services, as bedfellow luxury doggie-and-breakfasts and campgrounds dog exclusively for their best friends, how much they love them. But not necessarily away from home, to engage fully.

#10. Common behavior problems
Dogs have a big dilemma. Many of the things I love, instinctively, that things that people can not tolerate. To live happily in human society, the dog must learn to channel that instinctive behavior cease.

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Feb 7, 2010

Top 5 Simple Tips for a Healthy Cat

Keep your cat healthy, caring and well fed is important. Check out these five simple tips to keep your cat and is sure to have a nice companion for many years to come.

Congratulations on getting a new cat! If you own a cat or someone with a fur of other creatures about four feet, one thing is certain: you and your new friend will have a good time together.

However, these cute animals depend on you, not to stay in shape. It's like having a baby stuffed in his hands, but with less maintenance, and litter. (I hope someone out there that children use litter boxes.)

Follow these five simple tips and let your cat in good health for many years to come.

1. The Essential Cat
Your cat has special needs, some of which are essential: food, water, box liter, and cups or glasses. Bowls are used for food, cups of water for the cats to feel
luxurious and elegant. The airlines are also important, such as collars and identification chips, especially if your cat spends time outdoors. Did you know that cats can sleep up to twenty hours a day? Not when they are sleeping, eating or showing windows for passersby to admire, they play. Toys, therefore, are a great way for your cat (or cat) to hone their hunting skills, stay active and do not disturb during your absence. A piece of string color, filled with catnip mouse toy, ball, or a laser pointer - be careful not to direct the eyes of cats - all toys are good. The rotation of toys is also a good idea, because the kitten will enjoy rediscovering an old friend (or enemy).

2. Chowing Down
Food and water are essential for all living beings. Also, cats love their fresh, clean water. You can also buy the follies and fountains that provide your cat with the flow of filtered water. We now know that his thought: "I spend all that money, do not worry. Just make sure you have access to safe water, allowing them to turn off his dry lips when they want. 'S also a good idea to have a little' food dishes . If you're busy in the morning just to put food on a clean plate and record all subsequent washing. However, it is important to only put enough food for the morning meal of the cat. If the cats are given too much food, they tend to overeat . Remember, the big cats are made, not born (and who want to end up on Dr. Phil, because of a large cat?). dry food used to be recommended by many veterinarians, but some have recently changed their mind and promote a diet of wet food instead. If you decide to go this route, be
sure to ask your veterinarian for good brands, or visit your retailer for pet food local health (holistic or otherwise) and see what they offer.

3. The "Litter Box"
Cats are animals too demanding. They love their bedding must be clean. If not cleaned, you can begin to "go" elsewhere, and certainly do not want to do. Good, clumping litter is ideal for easy cleaning on a daily basis. And the daily cleaning means you can keep an eye on your cat's health to detect early warning signals (eg, frequency, abnormal urination, changes in odor, change in stool or blood in urine) and make sure that all problems are dealt with immediately. Also a good idea to change the cat's weekly garbage, removing all the old and liters, giving the window of a thorough cleaning.

4. Grooming does not necessarily mean Brylcreem
While cats are very clean creatures with saliva containing deodorant and natural cleansing properties, they need a little help from time to time. Some say a bath from time to time. E 'its decision and may depend largely on how the cat is cooperative. If you decide to wash the cat, cat uses a special shampoo and warm water. But better to help your cat is to brush preparation. This will help remove unwanted hair, which leads to hairballs in cats. Especially if your cat has long hair, so it's essential to keep tangle free. Suffice it often, the cats you most enjoy.

5. Vet is not a bad three-letter words
Make an appointment with a veterinarian is crucial when buying a new cat, especially if it has not been sterilized or neutered. Alternative veterinary medicine can be an advantage, because the use of natural resources and confidence to maintain healthy medications your pet. Whatever type of training, be sure to take your cat to the veterinarian's office for their shots and once a year "to monitor the health of the well-being. Being proactive will allow the veterinarian to intercept all the conditions health or problems in your cat before, reducing the potential for exorbitant vet bills later.

Your cat is your best friend for the treatment of "Kitty", as king.

Feb 6, 2010

As you well your dog, you should not draw attention to their needs. Feed well and are a refuge, is not enough. As the owner of a dog, it is also responsible for training in basic things that help them to become adorable pets.

For training to be successful, you need some advice from expert dog owners in the long term. Here is a summary of the secret base for training of experts and dog trainers as the Council itself.

#1 Dogs always follow their leader. - The owners want their dog always responsible for everything. I am confident to move when their owners to dictate what they want and not. This is why dogs are loyal animals. With this, in fact, dogs are also trained more easily to other animals in comparison.

#2 Dogs are beings of energy. - When a dog to do various activities with her owner tired, the dog feels secure very happy. The dogs are very hyper animals and need an outlet where pay their energy to crack. If you can bring your dog, fun activities such as walking and playing, because your pooches do not chew your shoes or destruction of important documents, because they are tired when they return. Diverting his attention on games and is one of the secrets of dog training that need to be remembered.

#3 Dogs are very careful. - Look, look like children and try to imitate your move. The same goes with your pet dog. Constantly monitor your dog how to react to different situations. Consequently, your dog will be treated as you react to it. For example, when you get home from work or school, your dog reacts as the first approach is based. If you're the type of owner who will host his first dog, before you get your business, your dog probably ran to the door when you arrive. On the other hand, if the head in the room before turning into something comfortable in front to greet your dog, your pet to have patience to wait for you instead of you surprised by the door.

#4 Dogs need to socialize too. - Dogs who are exposed to the public, are also those who are less aggressive. They are less likely to bite people for no reason. If dogs are often interact with other people or animals are pets.

#5 The dogs are intelligent and trainable. - Dogs, regardless of their age, can learn tricks. If they are puppies or adult dogs, all have the capacity to absorb what is taught. The difference is the time needed to acquire the knowledge of a dog. As people learn faster than younger adults Mutts mutts. Similarly, the coach can have a very difficult time breaking bad habits that their teaching habits canine. Training your dog can be a bit 'hard at first, but if you are patient enough to train your dog, you are still doing things correctly.

These are the secrets of dog training, you must keep in mind. Just to remember, and you're ready to go.
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Feb 2, 2010

Although they are similar, it is still hard to believe that dogs today are descendants of wild wolves. However, this heritage for most of the behavior of a dog is responsible. Domesticated dogs natural instincts over thousands of years of life forged in the desert. Learn what these instincts, you can help us better understand your pet.

Being a leader
Dogs have a pack mentality derived from their ancestors the wolves. Wolves hunt together for survival and have traveled together for safety. In any case, a
social hierarchy is formed with the strong leadership at the top and wolves in the depths of submission. When a domestic dog and his friends the man of her
backpack. Even if you are alone with your dog, you are a pack of two children. It 's important to the socialization of your dog that takes the leading role in this relationship. Most dogs need lots of confirmation that the head of the pack is its behavior. Because of the constant positive feedback Give your dog care or prizes for good behavior, you can contribute to stress in the life of your dog. This explains why dogs fit so well in a family environment.

Roots dig your dog
But as for other behaviors that are not so lovable, like the trenches? Believe it or not, this too, which of course for all dogs. Wild dogs used to dig holes in the ground to increase their body during the hot days or even larger holes to cool their litters

Understand why accidents occur
You will also notice, particularly in soils puppyhood that your dog carpets or other areas of your home. Again, this goes back to the days of wild wolves, becomes feces and urine as a way to mark their territory. This technique was essential to protect the wolves from other packages.

Listen to your dog's instincts
Bark is a different behavior bother some owners, but can be traced to the natural instinct of a dog to keep out intruders. E 'was also used as a means to
communicate the location of a dog for the rest of his pack, or a heads-up, the problems on the road. Good communication is an important part of a package
of success.

Most of these behaviors can be constructed from a modern domestic dog. Understand where they come from and why they are important will help you
appreciate your dog to learn more.

For a more in-depth training procedure, and many useful information on dog behavior problems and more effective training techniques, check out The Ultimate Guide to Training. This is the complete dog-house-training guide. Training Tips for New Puppy/dog, Read More...

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