May 3, 2010

Learn How To Stop Dog Aggression

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Dogs can become aggressive with other dogs for a variety of reasons. There are dogs that are scared or hurt when the other dogs are nearby. In other cases, a dog trying to become the dominant dog. There are times when a dog feels to defend their territory and become aggressive. If the dog is not taught the techniques of socialization as a puppy, the owner of the dog essentially has tried to be aggressive with other dogs. Other dogs may be evidence of their determination to defend its owner and become hostile in response, and may become sexually aggressive as well.

*** Some suggestions ***
One of the easiest ways to stop the aggression of the dog is to ensure, when the dog is still a puppy who is socialized with other animals. Introduce your puppy to a stable and obedient dogs for recreation is essential to prevent aggressive behavior. This technique allows to observe proper behavior as a puppy that a well-trained dog. The socialization of the dog sign that other animals are not a threat to him and do not need to defend his master, his country or himself.

Another way to stop the aggression of dogs to a dog starts showing aggressive tendencies is to treat the incident never happens. A dog should not be allowed to exhibit aggressive tone without correction of the owner. Although not a long term solution to the challenge, the muzzle of a neck or head can be used during the training period the dog.

Rigorous training is another effective way to stop the aggression of the dog. The dog will be unable to concentrate on the distraction of other animals, and will only focus on listening and please the owner. The dog must learn to focus on teachers to maintain their attention on him, and that the master can send additional commands to the dog as "sit" or "down" when another dog is present. The dog owner must ensure that it retains its anxious behavior or feelings under control, because they are minors, a dog can pick up clues from his owner nervous. Dogs are guided by the actions of its owner, which means that if you want to stop dog attacks should review the unwanted actions on your part. Once the dog was trained to stay focused on you, you can work on their training to go with her for a party that serves as a distraction when there are dogs around. A gift can be thrown on the floor and the look of the dog to distract the dog around other dogs and all dog aggression stop before it started.

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