May 28, 2010

7 Secrets to Choose a Safe & Healthy Food for Pets 
(Part One)

Do you have canned food or dry? Which brand? There are so many different brands, all shapes and sizes of pet food and pet owners are confusing to choose with very little information to make decisions based on (with the exception of advertising) - it is! Now, loop, loop, depending on what you know the pet food industry, this could be a bumpy ride! There are seven secrets - guarded the secrets of training - food for pets. Sit down, brace yourself and read on.

Beneful is called "Premium Dog Food for a Happy, Healthy Dog sold for about $ 18.00 for a 31 kg bag of Science Diet" promises "a balanced diet with precision through continuous research and higher quality food Note from your Vets warranty and sells for about $ 21.00 for only 20 € bag. Then there are a lot of pet food, which any such statement - "to make dog food of the highest quality luxury" - for $ 30.00 or more to sell for £ 20 a bag. And the same goes for cat owners ... You Whiskas, who says: "Everything is done on the cats happy!" Or you one of those premium cat food, the same expectations of a happy, healthy cat cost, but make three times more expensive?

Now, with the withdrawal of pet food, pet owners of current issues such as "This food has been recalled?" Or "Food is the next to remember ?'...' is safe for my pet? "Wow is not easy! And scary! A pet owner do? How to learn a secret! Equipped with the knowledge of some secret in the pet food company, is almost as confusing.

Secret # 1 ...
All pets, the use of words such as selection and award, even if only some of them or of the highest quality ingredients in their food. The secret is that, under the rules of pet food, pet food can not all claims or references to the label or advertisement for the quality of ingredients or simply. You see, the word "premium" if it means that the pet food is closely linked to the premium food ingredients. With the pet food, the prize is not (can not) describe the food can not (he) describe the quality of food. This is just a marketing term. rules to the feed industry and regulations, "There is no evidence of ingredients or quality (Regulation PF5 D 3). Words are like premiums Sun, or choice, or simply the marketing of quality or conditions of sale. They should not be considered as terms to describe the quality of the food must be interpreted.

Well, why not host a labeling of foods for pets to tell a potential customer of the quality of their ingredients? If the owner has no right to know what to buy? This brings me to another secret ...

Secret # 2 ...
If I compare the "people" food Pet food for one second, we all know, there are different kinds of people food. It 's the Chateau Blanc (here, I am guilty, I love the little guy!) And there is Outback Steak House (another favorite). Both restaurants serve the meat and potatoes. A White Castle for less than $ 3.00 you get a couple of hamburgers and an order of chips. During his stay in the Outback, you can get a steak and baked potatoes for about $ 16.00. Both are meat and potatoes - but you already know that there are huge differences between a nutritional fast food burgers and a steak ... right?

The problem in pet food - is that most pet owners do not think in those terms when it comes to food. You're not in the sense of wanting to keep certain types of fast food for pets, and sit down restaurant, there are types of pet food nutrition. In fact, some years ago a young man tried, although this experience with his own diet - no eating fast food, but for 30 days. In a few months of eating fast food three meals a day, has become much weight, blood pressure and cholesterol sky-shot. Now imagine that your pet eats food as his "whole life.

OK, so back to our two meals ... chemical analysis was compared with your meal at White Castle to a chemical test of your meal at the Outback - the two were analyzed with a proportion of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Whether you are a steak at Outback consider better quality protein than the burger - would still be analyzed like proteins. The analysis does not measure the quality of the protein.

Here's the secret ... All pets with a guaranteed analysis showing the percentage of protein, fat, fiber and moisture in contact with food. The real secret lies in the quality of the units of proteins, fats, and so on.

In a chemical analysis of pet foods - chicken feet would be to analyze proteins, although seen as very little food. And how well a cow that euthanasia (asleep) because of an illness that has the bad taste to analyze - such as proteins, although this can be dangerous for human consumption. The two chicken legs of these things - and a cow to sleep - are permitted ingredients and is often used in pet foods. You see the secret of food for pets are the producers have an open door, where they get their ingredients. The only rule difficult to follow, they must be food for adult dogs with 18% protein and an adult were analyzed for cat food to analyze with 26% protein. acquire the sources of these percentages are particularly large as a "man of quality" meat from chicken legs euthanasia for animals, the proteins of cereals, including proteins and chemicals have become in many variations among people.

Labels feed did not say - are not allowed to speak - the sources they use to get the necessary 18% and 26% protein. And to make matters worse ... optical quality of feed manufacturers - companies that use 100% human quality ingredients - are not allowed to tell the customer or potential customers that their product quality, human ingredients.

So how do you know if the animals used for food or crow's feet cows euthanasia or contains ingredients man of quality?

Secret # 3 ...
If the premium and the words chosen basically means nothing in terms of quality of feed, pet food and if some chicken feet and euthanized for animal food - How can a farmer know what they obtained in the diet of their animals?

The great secret lies in the definition of ingredients. Unlike "people" food, you can watch closely to determine the quality of food, pet food is very different. respond to all people "food, including the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) guidelines. The same is not true for pet foods. legged chickens and cows are sacrificed in food for people, for obvious reasons, is permitted - no nutritional value, or they can be dangerous to eat. This is not true for pet foods. The only way, if the chicken feet or euthanized cows I am aware of in your pet food ingredients which can be used in

The food ingredient company based mixed meat and bones "is not discarded in fact a combination of several acquisitions other than the food industry. The components of meat and bone meal "are sacrificed by the heads of the cow, the stomach and intestine, the (shocking but true) animals such as cows, horses and dogs and cats by veterinarians businesses, animal shelters, and farms. And with these animals feed also contains euthanasia drugs pentabarbitol, with which the animal was put to sleep. " meat and bone meal 'can also leave a restaurant, fat and sick (cutting, including cancer), edible tissue from animals slaughtered. In other words, this ingredient is widely used, has left a very mixed and potentially less dangerous to the off-food industry.

The meat ingredient in animal feed "product" or "meat by-product meal" is almost the same as "meat and bone meal. This is a poor quality food ingredients Pet literally nobody knows what.

Another ingredient similar to the above is "Animal Digest".

What chicken feet I said before - This article is in the ingredients "chicken byproducts" or "poultry product" or "chicken byproducts meal" or "chicken byproduct meal." Any leftover chicken or poultry division - including but not limited to chicken legs, skin, including some pens, chicken or poultry and envelopes found in these ingredients. Is not worried about the health issue of birds - sick, healthy, dead, dying ... everything is contained in these ingredients.

So here's what you do ... before buying food for pets, turn the bag and carefully examine the list of ingredients. The ingredients are listed above during the first five or ten ingredients. If any of these ingredients - my suggestion is not to buy food. Remember - crow's feet and sacrificed animals to be done to analyze how proteins. This is all that is necessary in pet food - the correct analysis.

Another little trick to use some pet food manufacturers in this category is increasing with grains and chemical additives for products of wheat for protein content. Just because of the recall of pet foods, which began in March 2007 - chemical protein. Two different chemical additives - have no nutritional value for animals, but were analyzed as a protein - a product of wheat (wheat gluten, corn gluten, gluten or rice) has only to provide a cheap protein. Thousands of animals have died and countless others have been hurt because no one would have been counted because of the problem of combining these two chemicals kidney and urinary tract obstruction. Again, the secret of the product with a certain amount of protein is analyzed - no one is required to provide a system of quality management of meat proteins.

While the list of ingredients, including research - you should also consider the number of grains (corn, wheat, rice) and / or the number of grains (corn gluten meal, whole wheat, ground corn, wheat, ground wheat, wheat gluten, rice, brown rice, broken rice, soybean, etc.) are the ingredients in the first five or so called. If you have registered more than a grain in the first five ingredients - say that these pet food is to acquire some of its proteins in cereals.

Why are proteins derived from cereals to know is important to you? Several reasons - the departure of the first scientific evidence that dogs and cats develop an appropriate and necessary for meat protein. When obtaining a protein sources of feed grain, the animal is not always meat, needs to thrive. Secondly, if the grains with gluten, corn gluten, wheat gluten, rice or run the risk of chemicals as melamime be added to use only the analysis of proteins is increased. Incidentally, melamime is one of the chemicals in the cause of the withdrawal in March 2007, pet food. And there's another problem with grains - aflatoxins. Aflatoxin is a deadly tool that young corn, wheat and soybeans, and is responsible for many other pet food recalls, you've probably never heard of. In December 2005, Diamond Pet Food contained moldy grains, about 100 animals are killed before the product was recalled - all because of aflatoxins.

It 's my recommendation to all pet foods as corn, wheat, soybean and contains a change to avoid. The risk is simply too high.