Mar 29, 2010

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Puppies and dogs naturally go to people when they say hello. Why? Why are bigger than them! When the dogs meet, they sniff the faces. They like to do the same when we realize that it is perfectly natural for dogs to come with us to achieve our aim and our attention.

What to do about the problem

The key to teaching your dog not to jump on you when you are invited to say that only dogs that greet you keep your feet on the ground. Although you can not put into words, we can say with action. When your dog, you are welcome, its purpose is to attract attention and cause a stroke. Knowing this, you can show your dog what to do to deserve your attention and touch. Try to remember two things every time you greet your dog:

   1. Keep your mind and your hands away from your dog, unless the front legs on the ground.
   2. Give immediate attention of the dog and caress the earth, the moment the front legs on the ground.

For example, when entering one door and the dog jumps on you, ignore it. Do not tell him to go down and not push him away. Instead, remain standing or watching over your head. If you move your arms and hands to all, pull your chest. If you keep jumping around you, go away. He put his front paws on the ground to follow. The moment your feet touch the ground before the merger with the owner of the wonderful love you and say "Good Girl" and calmly hit his head. If you jump at his touch, simply draw your hand, standing as before, and ignoring his foot to touch the ground again. When the feet touch the ground, caressing. Your attention and touch are the words that you can use to allow your dog how to behave to get his attention.

Never attention when walking your dog, then touch the ground to do and even if you are irritated by his jump from a moment before. Must be able to connect before the feet on the ground, because of the magic of the attention and affection of the people.
Training Exercises

It 's important to teach your dog what you want to do during greetings. For example, you can train yourself to sitting or standing to greet people, instead of jumping around. The following exercises can help your dog will learn to greet each other with courtesy and

    * When the dog starts to jump, stop, look ahead (not the dog), and pull the arms and hands toward your chest. Wait calmly to your dog to stop jumping. When the feet touch the ground before, only to watch her and stroking easy. If she gets mad and jumps again, regular backup and repeat the sequence.
    * If your dog already knows how he feels at the right time (command), try this step. When the dog starts to jump, stop, look ahead (not the dog), and pull the arms and hands toward your chest. Saying "No" and immediately turned his back on his dog, so can not reach your face. Then say "sit". When (his shows in your peripheral vision so you can see), go around the face, knees, and calmly stroking. If your dog jumps again, before getting up and returning to her as it did before. Repeat this sequence until the dog stops jumping.
    * If you enter a room and the dog starts to jump, not immediately outside and close the door behind you, leaving open only a crack. Through the crack in the door, like "sit". When your dog is sitting, walking calmly into the room, knees and gently caress. If you re-jump, quickly and go straight for the room, closing the door behind you. Repeat this sequence until the dog stops jumping.
    * When the dog starts to jump, stop, look ahead (not the dog), and pull the arms and hands toward your chest. Saying "No", then a few quick steps toward your dog. (Be careful not to step on your feet.) She comes back from his path. On its front paws on the floor, like "sit". When you are sitting, kneeling and calmly stroking. If you lose again, it is immediately and repeats the sequence.
    * Once your dog has learned to say hello politely to recruit several friends to help you teach your dog to greet visitors and courteous. One by one, ask your friends to the practice last year, which begins with the person who enters the house or in the room. Explain that the sequence of back and close the door if your dog jumps on them. Having started his training with one of them knocking or ringing the bell, and go with your dog to respond. Before opening the door, talk to your dog to sit. When you open the door. If your dog jumps, your friend does not know what to do. If your dog sits, silently, his friend can host and can praise and treat. Ask each of your friends to do more repetitions.

More tips

    * Due to its great excitement to greet people, some dogs are easier to choose a toy to shake, or maintain, rather than sit for petting. If this sounds like your dog, holding a toy through the front door. Upon his return, open the door and immediately attracts the attention of your dog in the toy or pull it. Do the same with your dog when visitors come to your home.
    * Due to teach your dog to jump can be difficult, do not hesitate to ask the help of a dog Certified Professional (CpdT) in your area. A professional instructor will provide group or private lessons can offer you and your dog a lot of support to jump.
    * If your dog shows signs of aggression, such as growling or showing teeth, while the slot or jumping towards you, your family or visitors during the meeting, you should seek the help of a certified animal behaviorist (CAAB or Associate CAAB), a veterinary behaviorist (Dip ACVB) or a qualified Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT) who has experience in the treatment of aggression. If you decide to hire a CPDT because you can not find a behaviorist in your area, please check whether he or she has training and experience in working successfully with the aggressiveness that this experience is not required for CpdT certification.

NOT to Do

    * You do not get so excited to greet your dog. Besides them, the calmer your dog will be.
    * Do not yell at your dog when he jumps on you or others. Yelling become increasingly excited about the case.
    * Do not try to get your dog or reject. In this way could cause more just jump.
    * No knee your dog in the chest, walk, tiptoed back, grabbing or pinching the toes forward, or causes pain or discomfort. If you do, you frighten and hurt your dog, and she still can not learn to greet people politely.