Jan 15, 2010

Training a Dog To Stop Chewing Furniture

It's all about chewing seems to be a matter of individual preference among dogs: some have an innate desire to chew as a pleasurable activity in itself, and some appear to have no need to chew at all, unless they are made from boredom. The phrase "destructive chewing" may sound redundant, because - of course! - All chewing is destructive. Your dog has strong jaws full of sharp teeth and says, what begins to bite, it can demonstrate the effect in minutes. Just to clarify, when I use the term "destructive chewing", I thought it appropriate to chew: the type of chewing gum, which is focused on your business and household, not only in the designated dog toys and chew.

The three main reasons why dogs chew:
1 Most dogs have a natural desire to chew. It's funny, over time, and does not require a self-pleased strengthen activities (for example, if you chew some good taste.)
2. Rubber provides a dog nervous, or simply bored with the outlet for their feelings. For fear of the dog chew sedation repeated - which is similar to dog food. 
3. The dogs often use chewing as they slept Underexercised nervous energy and give them something to do.

How can you prevent dogs from destructive chewing are not fully able to learn to chew your stuff - just put a little effort first, that's all.

1> Control of the situation: the management of their activities. The first step should be to dog-proof your home. Even if the best behavior of the dog in the world, there is still no reason to check the master - after all, the dog explore the world with their mouths. Dog-house of correction, which means you do not want to end up in my mouth, and make them available. Due to its size and flexibility in deciding if something is out of reach: can jump? Can come or go for something else to get the desired object? How high is up? Common objectives in the house, books, glassware, clothes, shoes, garbage, and small crunchy appliances like cameras, mobile phones and remote control. It is obvious that all food should be safe, far away: Do not allow snacks on low tables (or even the benches - you can be surprised how acrobatic be if it comes to food!) Designed for food in containers or in pantry. Rinse dirty plates clean of any food scraps before leaving them to sink.

2> To avoid learning the joy of illegal chewing. Several times he manages to escape from jawful banned substance - a chair-leg protectors, shoes again - the more it will be for these products in the future. If you can avoid chewing your stuff in the first place, it is much easier to understand what is expected of her. In practice, the boundaries of the dog area of the sample until they are sure to understand.

3> Not to mention the lack of blurring the boundaries between her stuff (OK to chew) and your stuff (not OK to chew). We can not offer your dog used clothing, shoes, towels, or chew and play: in fact, one can not expect to be able to distinguish the shoes in the course and mouth, giving her five minutes ago.

4> Give her a lot of alternatives to lovely things. If the environment is relatively barren of interesting places suitable for chewing, one can hardly blame her for targeting your possessions. Please note that dogs must bite when it is young (less than three years) and young (less than a year), their needs are even greater. Go to the toy and chew shopping, and then give two or three times. Rotate toys every few days will keep what is new and interesting for her.

5> To spend much time on active surveillance. Yes, it may be easier to just keep on track, running or in the garden - but a sad and terrible for her and great fun for you (if you want an animal that does not need to interact with the goldfish, right?) You never know what to expect from him, if he spends all his time, wrapped in a search dog: he needs to take this opportunity to explore the boundaries of your expectations, so you can understand what is appropriate and what is not.

<6> Once that is caught chewing something inappropriate to say the sound: Clap Your Hands "and" ah-ah-AAAAH! "Noise. Then once the dog is holding a tasty and interesting alternatives (rawhide bone or other chew toy) as soon as possible to close the mouth around created his praise. What better way to get the dog to understand that chewing" His "toys and Gloria, but everything else equals trouble.

Maintaining productive attitude, above all, remember that the expectations realistic. They are not perfect and there is no dog should be at least one episode in which the damage produced loved his curiosity. Especially at the beginning of their relationship is still ropes of life will be some time before it is completely reliable (and even if left too long or feels neglected, you may want to take her time and jaws z.) Remember to allow time to learn the rules and a lot of "time" to help you learn quickly - and do not forget to take precautions and keep things out of reach until he was chewing the rules!

Easy Techniques for Training Dogs,