Jan 16, 2010

When a new puppy comes home is an exciting moment for everyone. To return to proceed as smoothly as possible, is a good idea to spend time on preparation. One of the major challenges of dog owners (especially owners of a first time) is the question training. If you acquire a rudimentary knowledgeand a positive attitude, but it is much easier than most people be.

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When you bring home take out. The thrill of driving, combined with familiar faces, sounds and images his willingness to go anyway - and if you can organize its first toilet break so that it occurs outside rather than inside, then both better. And not just in terms of hygiene in the short term, either - the more your puppy relieves inside, is more likely to again.

The return is an excellent opportunity for you to create a precedent for toilet behavior!
- Take her to the toilet area, and put it on the lawn.
- Wait until it sniffs around - not as pets, or play with him once, because I do not want to create a link between this area, and gaming. What has to learn thatthis part of the yard is toilet breaks only.
- When it starts to ease, for example, the expression that you want to associate with toilet breaks: "Go pee" or "time for the dish, or what works for you. And better if the sentence is short and easy to recognize - and use the same voice inflection whenever (so that your dog can easily remember the meaning of the phrase.)
- When you have done and make a right at her: shower her praise and affection, and give him a treatment.

When you take her inside the house, house training, it was decided we should start immediately. When it comes to house training, crate training is generally accepted to be the most effective way to house train a puppy quickly.

Crate training is primarily the use of a kennel in small (matter) to restrict the puppy when it is down to coaching her.

How does it work?
Crate training is based on an inherent antipathy to any dog mess where they sleep. Why you restrict the movement of your puppy sleeping space, she instinctively "hold it" until it is out of the box (if not left too long in there, of course!) So it 's important that the box is sized properly: if it is too large, they will be able to use one end as a bed and a purpose as a toilet, which surpasses all purpose!

In general, it is more advantageous for you to choose a crate that is big for her to transform. It must be great for adult dog to stand comfortably without crouching, remove, stretch - but no more (so it does not choose a party that its bed, and a part of the Cabinet here!), because the older dog is probably much higher than the puppy, which will probably be necessary use a barrier to reduce the size of the cage inside. A fence or on board well. Alternatively you can use a credit card as a cheap (or even make themselves) and replace it with a larger model as your puppy grows.

Crate training works like this: your puppy is in a cage at all times, unless it is sleeping, eating, going out with you to the toilet, or to be played with (activesurveillance). It must be consistent, or not work, you can not let your pet roam the house unless focuses attention on it. If you allow access to the house before it is fully house trained, you are essentially encouraging her to relieve themselves - and remember that every time he does this, it will be easier for her to do it again (and again ... and again ...)

Example of a training program of the box one morning

7.00:            Wake up. The puppy comes out with a toilet break.
7.25:            Breakfast.
7.45:            Back outside for another toilet break (accompanied by you, of course.)
7.50-8.45:     Play-time! The puppy is out of the box is actively played with, cost, etc.
8.45:            Outside another toilet break.
8.50-11.00:   Puppy goes back to its cage for a nap
11.00:           Puppy comes outside with a toilet break.
11.05-12.30:  Playtime! The puppy is out of the cage to play and applauded.
12.30:           Lunch.
12.45:           Puppy comes outside with a toilet break.
1.00-3.30:     Puppy back in the cage for a nap.

... And so on throughout the day.

Crate Training usually lasts one or two months (depending on the breed of the dog and how long you spend on the process of formation.) As puppy grows, you can begin to reduce the amount of time in hand - but beware of doing too soon!

Some rules for crate training
- Your puppy probably will not be so excited to go in case the first two times he uses. He wants to be outdoors, and fill affection and attention, and spend time with you (obviously) but it is for their benefit - in a surprisingly short time it will take crate as his personal retreat where you can go to relax and sleep a few hours without interruption. It 'important to insist: no respond to any whining or crying.
- The best place for crate is the hub of the house, usually the kitchen or anywhere where people tend to gather. Only because it is in a cage does not mean that we can still feel part of the family is important for her not to feel isolated or excluded.
- The cage should be hospitable and welcoming place to go. Lay two thick blankets or towels on the floor and put a little toys and a chew or two inside, too. The door must be open appetizing at all times (unless there is, of course, in this case, you should be safe closed.)

Some toilet facts about puppies that will be useful
- Blisters Puppies' and intestines are so small and weak that they have a very small window of opportunity between knowing that they need going to do this is to become an immediate reality. For this reason it is important that you take her out when she wakes up (which will know who needs to get out of the door scratching and whining), and ten minutes to eat or play.
- Conduct that states need to go outside include sniffing the ground and indirectly. Again, because it is low, does not show thesesigns of a very long - so when you start, remove it immediately. Better an unnecessary trip to court a wet useless patch (or pile) on the carpet!
- The maximum time that a puppy can be placed in boxes at the same time are understood by the following equation: her age in months plus one. Then a 3-month-old puppy to be placed in boxes for up to four hours. However, it is likely to be physically uncomfortable for her (not talk about hard on her emotionally and psychologically: it is difficult to be packed with something to do), then you should definitely take at least every two hours during the day. If she is sleeping, of course, just left to sleep until she wakes up naturally.

For a more in-depth training procedure, and many useful information on dog behavior problems and more effective training techniques, check out The Ultimate Guide to training. This is the complete dog-house-training guide.
Training Tips for New Puppy/dog,