Jul 1, 2010

Secret Tips for Bringing Home a Second Dog

Got the perfect pet? We have the perfect petsitter

Bring home a second dog requires much thought. This means a complete change in your normal family routine. No matter if your dog is a puppy or an adult.

There are several things to consider before making the new house pet.

This is not just about putting the family dog and everyone lives happily ever after (but may be a remote possibility.)

We recommend that you take time to think about this new venture through, and reflect on these questions:

# You live on a tight budget?
A second dog will require annual visits to the vet, they need food, toys, maybe a new training course and body as possible.

# A second dog requires "time".
You no longer have time to play, walk, time to prepare your pet, time for food, training and extra cleaning?

# Your current dog has behavioral problems?
A new dog may not be able to teach your dog to stop bad behavior of age. There may be two dogs bad behavior makes the situation worse.

# You have the patience to adhere to "dog pack" rules?
Even if you are the leader, two dogs were a pack and one or the other will become the second. If it's the new dog, can you adapt to following the rules? The dog becomes the leader "first" in everything and you can not change that. Try to change what is natural dog behavior by the conflict and "great difficulty".

# Are you ready for the resident dog to become unstable, such as using the house as a toilet, chewing things and be destructive in general?
The newcomer may disturb your pet.

# Your dog is friendly with other dogs and people?
If your resident dog is a "tyrant", the chances of finding a "friend" for him / her are slim. Training for your Hound may be the answer before plunging into another dog.

# How is the level of stress in your home?
Did you move, added a family member or new events have nothing to disturb the routine of the house? Dogs of stress during the course of their routine. Periods of stress are not the right time to bring a new dog.

# Are you happy with the dog now?
A second dog can bring about change in the personality of your dog. Both dogs could really bond
and prefer to stay together, if there were, except for food and treats. Are you willing to accept this?

Read these questions a couple of times and respond with sincerity. Being honest will help eliminate the error.

Some dogs do not really want a partner, is happy as a clam to be a dog "just."

The real question is "You want a dog?"

Once you've made up your mind and feel that the other dog is an added advantage for your home. There are some things to consider, such as: puppy, adult or young adult dogs. It depends on your resident dog.

The kittens are probably easier to introduce your dog that runs like a dog, not as an intruder and a parasite.

If you adopt a puppy, please take this into account. Puppies do not realize they are supposed to behave in a certain way, until about four months.

Until they are old enough to know what the "dog," this is for you to protect the puppy dog of the old and protecting the puppy older.

The guide dog puppy crazy sometimes. Cubs to read, older dogs will play for a while ', then stops.

Up to you to give your pet leisure-old outside the fluff and stuff. "

No, under no circumstances leave the dog alone and unsupervised.

Always put the puppy in his cage or put your dog's life in a safe, if you leave the house or can not control.

adult dogs may unintentionally hurt the puppy if the puppy stalker too old.

Adding a young adult dog or dog in your home requires more patience, tact and planning. You need help with it.

First stop, the dogs should meet on neutral ground. You will need the help of a friend or relative (not a member of your family.)

Dogs need a place to meet your dog has never been, to be neutral territory. It can be a park, yard of a neighbor, or if all else fails parking.

Dogs must be on a leash and brought to light. They can do all things "dog", as the smell of others, their position may be rigid, but the meeting is the first for that good. However, if you hear or see scold curling lip, the calm away.

Stay calm and do not be nervous, talking dogs, one vote "happy".

After a few minutes, try again, but do not let them too close together.

If the lip curling snarl and continues to happen, it is likely that these two will never be friends.

Whatever you do, do not try to force a friendship. You will find a lot of problems when I get home.

The dogs fight, and if not love, can be disastrous for you and the dogs.

In the search for a new dog (not a puppy), try to find a dog whose personality matches that of your dog. If your dog is sociable and friendly, a finding which is the same size. If your dog is calm and sweet, do not bring home a dog who is very active and playful, not the game most likely will work.

Females are the only dog in the house seem to have more difficulty adjusting to a "new friend".

Dogs that are socialized and get along with other dogs are better than others for a new dog home.

One of the first rules in raising a puppy is "socialize, interact and socialize 'a bit more. Following this rule, and added a new dog should be easier.

After the presentations were made and it is time to bring the two dogs, a good suggestion "does not bring them home together" in the same car. Tell the person that helped lead to the introduction new dog.

It is suggested that a procedure when you have two dogs at home, to keep the straps on them. It will be easier for you to maintain control, if you need a strap for hanging.

If the dog approaches the age of your dog is not alive to be a bit 'of aggression under way.

You now have a package, you will need to decide which dogs will be the second in charge (you are the true leaders), and this decision may take some haggling.

Acceptable aggressive behavior should last a few seconds (10.20 seconds) and may be some growling, lip curling, growling, snapping his neck and possibly pin a dog.

Unacceptable behavior is aggressive biting collection of blood or earlier behavior lasting more than a few seconds.

A dog can be a submissive behavior is also expected. Barking like a dog rolling on his back, tail between legs, the flight of other dogs are all acceptable behaviors presented.

You can take the dogs for a week or two to decide who is the leader and everything that happens does not leave them alone and unsupervised.

Put the dogs in separate areas or in their boxes, do not let them stay together until they are sure to have solved their classification and understanding.

The hardest thing for you is the result of his decision, especially if your first dog is no longer number one.

The important thing here is that we must respect their decision, no matter how difficult it is for you.

The number one dog is the first agreement is the first door is the first to be fed and so on.

Speaking of food, give every dog his bowl and eats its own place, not to steal food from another.

Likely that your dog before going through some stress and probably some of the reasons that the excesses of this new addition will be upset for her and the dog will have to adapt.

Up to you to expect these problems and act accordingly. Remember that your dog has not requested a new friend. It was his idea. As the old saying "You made your bed now in it."

It may take a month or more for a routine for peace and supreme master again in his home. If you keep your dogs outside when you're not home to check and take the time they spend together the "fun" that will become friends, maybe not "best friends", but close enough to enjoy being together.

Remember that you are the leader, the supreme leader, and run the program, and the two dogs need to follow your first order.

Do not fight, hit or use force to take stock, be patient, especially in the back if necessary and consistent in what I ask of dogs.

One last point: Exercise is the secret to keep their dogs too tired to talk amongst themselves. Exercise relieves stress dogs (and maybe yours. Too) and tired of being better behaved.

Good luck and remember to have fun.

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